Closed 1h 30m

Washer/Dryer NYC Reviews and Tickets

(35 Ratings)
Members say
Funny, Entertaining, Delightful, Quirky, Fluffy

About the Show

Ma-Yi Theater Company presents a new farce that examines the joys of owning an apartment with a washer/dryer, and the pressures of modern-day marriage in New York City.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (35)

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131 Reviews | 46 Followers
Funny, Relevant, Fun, Quirky, Slow to start

See it if you want laughs, to support multi-ethnic theatre makers, to enjoy NYC real estate in-jokes. Jamyl Dobson is hilarious. Real cooking a bonus!

Don't see it if you're in the mood for something serious and dramatic.

548 Reviews | 1904 Followers
Funny, Delightful, Sitcom-y

See it if If you've ever lived in a NYC apt, you'll laugh a lot. Sitcom-like. Good for an easy night out.

Don't see it if You prefer a heavy show.

75 Reviews | 43 Followers
Cute, Funny, Cliched

See it if you want to see a goofy play that pokes fun at pretty spot-on stereotypes. Or if you want to see/support Asian representation in theatre.

Don't see it if you want a thought-provoking show. It's cute, but nothing special.

115 Reviews | 23 Followers
Funny, Banal, Cute

See it if You like TV sitcom style stories

Don't see it if You are in the mood for something a little deeper and original.

538 Reviews | 158 Followers
Entertaining, Funny, Great acting, Dizzying, Great staging

See it if You like shows with quirky, funny characters who relate in unusual ways to other characters and NY based shows are your thing !

Don't see it if You are turned off by shows that could be part of a rom-com series .

112 Reviews | 59 Followers
Cliched, Banal, Boring, Slow

See it if if you are interested in seeing a new farce featuring a diverse cast

Don't see it if if you have a functioning TV. This show never really becomes anything other than a mediocre sitcom that wallows in worn out stereotypes.

24 Reviews | 6 Followers
Entertaining, Intelligent, Thought-provoking

See it if You enjoy plays that dissect relationships.

Don't see it if You want something with real depth.

26 Reviews | 25 Followers
Cliched, Entertaining, Funny

See it if you're into fast-paced TV sitcoms that feature stereotypical characters in stereotypical comic situations.

Don't see it if you expect more nuance, more meat from the comic characters you see on stage.

Critic Reviews (23)

The New York Times
February 4th, 2016

"Presented by Ma-Yi Theater Company 'Washer/Dryer' is only partly in keeping with Ma-Yi’s mission of producing 'new and innovative' work by Asian-American playwrights. New though it is, the play resembles nothing so much as a stale 1970s sitcom...Wry, skeptical and possessed of a dancer’s grace, Mr. Dobson brings hilarity to a play that badly needs it. In a small miracle, he also makes a fully human being out of a role written as a comic stereotype. The other actors fare less well."
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Time Out New York
February 4th, 2016

"Nandita Shenoy’s clunky new comedy...It may be asking too much of a farce to make perfect sense, but the good ones spin out wildly from a center of credibility that 'Washer/Dryer' lacks...The energies of the ethnically diverse cast are channeled into tired cultural stereotypes...Aside from Shenoy, who delivers her own dialogue stiffly, the actors find some moments of funny business between their lines, but there are only so many laughs to wring from material this washed out."
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New York Theatre Guide
February 3rd, 2016

"Sometimes you just want to be entertained, to laugh a lot, not be required to think too hard and just simply enjoy yourself at the theatre. No crying. No deep philosophical existential questions. 'Washer/Dryer' is just this kind of light delight...The witty dialogue covering subversive prejudices and the all-around absurdity of New York life is a pleasure...The audience just falls into fits of laughter and in love with everyone on the stage. This cast is perfect."
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February 4th, 2016

"It is essentially a well-acted sitcom with a weak plot. But Shenoy gets strong laughs from her broadly-drawn characters, whom she paints with gleeful excess, and the director, Benjamin Kamine, picks up on her raucous humor with some genuinely amusing physical comedy."
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Lighting & Sound America
February 3rd, 2016

"'Washer/Dryer' is good-natured and Shenoy can write a funny line…But the script is overladen with gags -- mechanical gags, cheap-shot gags, gags that have nothing to do with the characters…Under Benjamin Kamine's blessedly light-fingered direction, at least all this silliness goes down fairly painlessly."
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Theatre is Easy
February 5th, 2016

"As the play progresses, Shenoy introduces many caricatures...Shenoy seem to bring these stereotypes up to make us laugh, but some feel so overused these days and the playwright only touches skin deep when they could be culturally interesting moments...The pace is evenly timed at a slick 90 minutes, directed seamlessly by Benjamin Kamine...If you are looking for a light evening with easy laughs, and don’t mind clichéd stereotypes, this is a play worth attending."
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Theater Pizzazz
February 2nd, 2016

"I recommend ‘Washer/Dryer,’ a tasty piece of farcical cooking about an Asian fusion marriage. The characters are comically exaggerated yet never so much as to lose touch with reality; the dialogue is sharp and often witty; there are laugh-producing physical set pieces (even the washer/dryer plays its part); and the emphasis on the dangers of lying grounds the play in a meaningful context. Wisecracks about Asian cultural differences are used more for quick laughs than any deeper purpose."
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Exeunt Magazine
February 4th, 2016

"Shenoy’s situation comedy skates along on mostly fluffy charm. From time to time, the sexy leads deliver on this sweet promise, but for this kind of comedic froth you need the bubbly fun to last for the full 90-minute show. As the circumstances become more farcical (and not all the performances rise to the challenge), the laughs begin to feel forced…The performances need some tightening up with both comedic timing and when their characters get serious."
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