See it if The chemistry among the three actors was wonderful and at times I even forgot that I was watching a play. The context was smart and engaging
Don't see it if You don't like rom coms. The ending got a bit preachy but for the most part, the play hung together quite well.
See it if you're interested in environmental issues brought to light in a simple romantic comedy
Don't see it if you're not interested in issues involving the environment, don't enjoy light romantic comedy,
See it if you enjoy smart, funny shows. This politically relevant comedy held my interest and provided many more laughs than I expected
Don't see it if you don’t want to go to see a show in an out of the way location. Definitely took me longer to get to theater than the 75 minutes long play Read more
See it if You would like a light, quirky evening out, studying the left's usual circular firing line problems with a love story added.
Don't see it if You prefer heft and ponderous themes to justify your long walk from the subway.
See it if Even when one does good works, ethics are compromised & one has to deal with that knowledge. Strong actors, in particular Sriram.
Don't see it if A little bit preachy but clever & quick enough to hold audience attention.
See it if You like new plays with an environmental conscience, dilemmas with no easy solution, impact of physical attraction on ethical matters
Don't see it if You’re not a fan of environmental consciousness & messages, feel 80 minutes is too short for a play, disturbed by depictions of explosives
See it if a contemporary theme — the social and ethical clash between business and environment — intrigues you. Simply yet effectively staged.
Don't see it if you are critical of plots and relationships that are not really credible. Read more
See it if you like issue based dramas preformed by young actors.
Don't see it if you require logical plot progression. There are jumps in the story that left me speculating as to what was going on.
“Don’t judge a play by its ending: Jordan Jaffe’s 'Whirlwind' features a slightly preachy coda that feels tacked on, especially after the delightful eighty minutes that precede it. Jaffe has come up with that rare theatrical beast—the unabashed romantic comedy...Sriram’s quick-witted performance powers Dan Amboyer’s production, which noticeably slackens when she’s offstage. Fortunately, that does not happen much.”
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"These two mild points aside, Jaffee's script is nevertheless hugely successful in conveying this man-vs-nature clash; his use of clever dialogue and idiosyncratic characters keep the topic in the forefront with much humor and without any preachy heavy-handedness."
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"Here, believability and hilarity are in equally short supply. Ultimately, a show that promises to be a boisterous maelstrom instead merely kicks up dust...The target is the disconnect between modern environmentalism’s progressive goals and some of its practitioners’ dubious motivations—profit, personal ambition, and sexual conquest. It’s a legitimate, if somewhat feeble, critique. The play’s central political conflict, however, rests on shakier ground."
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"It’s the intimate scenes that work most memorably, the character interactions, often with a gentle satiric humor...Amboyer takes full advantage of his two stars’ chemistry and charm. They manage to paper over the play’s illogic on occasion and they deliver even the most innocuous dialogue with a delicate touch...Their star-crossed relationship is a memorable one, and Jaffe’s climax proves a bittersweet conclusion to a production of modest means yet ample satisfactions."
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