Closed 1h 30m

ZAMBONI (FringeNYC) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(48 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Thought-provoking, Edgy, Intense

About the Show

A FringeNYC Encore: Jamie has resurfaced the ice rink for decades, unnoticed by the world around him. On the brink of his mom's death, he begins a high-stakes journey of self-discovery through morally risky encounters.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (48)

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332 Reviews | 41 Followers
Absorbing, Edgy, Great acting, Relevant, Riveting

See it if You can watch a play that becomes very edgy. Can deal with relevant current situations that might make you a little uncomfortable

Don't see it if You're not comfortable with relevant current situations brought to life on the stage that might be uncomfortable for some

147 Reviews | 28 Followers
Edgy, Great acting, Intense, Thought-provoking, Quirky

See it if You want to see new plays deal with subjects that entice and disturb at the same time. When you wanna see a characters dilemma acted well.

Don't see it if You don't like explorations of new and dark territory even tho very well presented.

82 Reviews | 32 Followers
Absorbing, Edgy, Great acting, Original, Profound

See it if you want to hear a truly original story; you enjoy great acting in intimate spaces; you want to think about the play you are seeing

Don't see it if you don't enjoy watching plays focused on dark subjects; you don't like it when the "bad guy" isn't a black and white choice

243 Reviews | 67 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Intelligent, Thought-provoking, Funny

See it if You appreciate excellent acting, thought provoking scripts and do not shirk from difficult subject matter.

Don't see it if You are squeamish about sexual pathologies. Otherwise you should definitely go.

57 Reviews | 16 Followers
Great acting, Edgy, Absorbing, Relevant

See it if You're interested in the story of a quiet pervert and how not to be him. He's the guy who keeps the skating rink ice nice but he's not clean

Don't see it if Zamboni! Jump on it!

116 Reviews | 18 Followers
Absorbing, Relevant, Thought-provoking, Intelligent

See it if you can tackle topics not always pleasant and don't mind a surprise along the way.

Don't see it if real life and taboo subjects offend you.

176 Reviews | 30 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Great acting

See it if You want to see some quality acting on a subject some might find uncomfortable but told with humor, sensitivity and pathos

Don't see it if You might be offended or uncomfortable by the subject matter (sexual predators.)

393 Reviews | 101 Followers
Absorbing, Funny, Great actors, Quirky, Thought-provoking

See it if You're a fan of zambonis & are up for a solid cast & smooth direction in a quirky, very funny but ultimately dark comedy of self-discovery.

Don't see it if You're too easily disturbed by the sometimes darker nature of the human soul & where it might lead — even if you're laughing all the way. Read more

Critic Reviews (3)

Theatre is Easy
August 21st, 2016
For a previous production

“Although the plot's predictability may cut some of the tension, the script and acting are exciting enough to hold attention...Overall, ‘Zamboni’ is a thoughtful and prodding piece of theatre about a specific world, exploring the taboos and examining the unique moments within. I found myself captivated throughout, and excited to see the progressions and dynamics. The cast brings true presence and talent in a way that I’ve yet to see in this year's Fringe, and the piece is truly memorable.”
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Theatre Reviews Limited
August 27th, 2016
For a previous production

"A remarkably honest and vulnerable performance. Mr. Franchini fills his character with uncertainty, frailty, instability, and addiction...It is a performance that is not easy to watch but should not be missed. There is a supporting cast that is brilliant…Deftly directed by Leslie Kincaid Burby each character embraces subtle nuance while remaining emotionally powerful. Mr. O’Brien is a fresh, new, young voice that hopefully will continue to be heard in a new generation of American playwrights."
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Theater In The Now
August 26th, 2016
For a previous production

"Sometimes all it takes is a strong story and basic storytelling to make the perfect Fringe play. Those were the main ingredients of O’Brien's nearly flawless 'Zamboni'…It's a heartbreaking story. It's heavy but not daunting…'Zamboni' featured exceptional direction by Leslie Kincaid Burby…The play moved effortlessly with transitions from scene to scene blending into one another…'Zamboni' featured an incredible ensemble...Franchini gave a heartbreaking performance."
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