"As inexplicable and strange as what happens in Panettieri's new play 'A Burial Place' may seem, there is something so real, so humanly relatable to its ethereal quality that it becomes this heartwarming story...All three actors really bring this bond of friendship to such a fundamental core, that there is little the audience can do but share in the experience, wondering if they could be as strong as these characters are."
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"Panettieri’s script is a master class in building character and drawing out tension. The three performances are superb...Director Brenneman does an exceptional job of creating a casual, natural atmosphere at the beginning of the play, and then, gradually, ramping up the tension until a moment of climax...It’s a play where you don’t know what is ever coming next, but it results in a satisfying conclusion that ruminates on friendship, loss, and growing older and apart."
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