See it if You're interested in an over-done parody of the current political climate and associated media coverage
Don't see it if You want to see a show with substance, good music, or one that can be taken seriously
See it if You feel bad for the cast, who are probably lovely people and probably know how bad the show is.
Don't see it if You can do anything else with your night. It's really that bad.
See it if U like current events relating to politics & media news in the form of a light hearted musical with good writing, acting,music.& staging.
Don't see it if U are a hard nose Republican or Trump supporter. Regardless of political leanings, this is a polished good musical comedy that entertains. Read more
See it if you know someone in the cast? Maybe?
Don't see it if just don't. Read more
See it if You hate Trump.
Don't see it if You like Trump.
See it if if you have absolutely nothing else to see.
Don't see it if you want to spend a night shaking your head at bad trump humor. The trump impersonator was the worst. Read more
See it if Don’t see it
Don't see it if Don’t see it
See it if You haven't watched the news in the last year.
Don't see it if You expect more of a script than screes, an adequate TRUMP impersonator and a couple of so-so songs.
"The conflict at the center of the show never becomes clear, as it suggests we should ignore the news, but also reminds us of our civic responsibility to doing better than the politicians we see on C-SPAN. The songs add little to the character development, and while some of them are catchy, none of them feel essential...Where the show excels is in the casting of Miller, who embodies the qualities of heroes of movies past."
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“Simply tries to do too much, and in its over-reach muddies the salient points...Would be better served with some judicious cutting and dramaturgy...Rangy and gives the appearance of being scattershot...The music is another element that could benefit from reworking or even elimination. The melodies are pleasant, but the lyrics are banal and don’t move the story forward...Lackluster direction also don’t help to elevate the work...By and large, the cast is to be commended.”
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“‘America’s Favorite Newscaster’ is just – so sorry – really awful...The premise of the show is that America’s highest rated newscaster, Fury is burning out...Leaving him very little energy for the attention his lovely pregnant wife requires. And that’s it. For two hours, this is the only real point...The singing is very very quiet...And the choreography is executed by the extremely unsure feet of the performers...We have seen all the jokes presented...One could sleep through these scenes.”
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“Composer Arthur Abrams and librettist/lyricist Tom Attea have taken up the challenge with results that are both sweet-natured and lackluster. Unlike our reality-TV-star-in-chief, who Attea's script refuses to name, ‘America's Favorite Newscaster’ is a shining model of restraint, never aiming its barbs too low but also rarely eliciting more than a polite chuckle.”
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