Becky Shaw
Becky Shaw
Closed 2h 10m NYC: Midtown W
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About the Show

The Community NYC presents their first theatrical show, a dark comedy about a newlywed couple who fixes up two romantically challenged friends, that asks what we owe the people we love and the strangers who land on our doorstep.

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Critic Reviews (2)

Theatre is Easy
September 28th, 2015

"'Becky Shaw' is a mind-boggling play that makes you reconsider relationships, goodness, and class, even though the plot may leave your head spinning. The production is also well worth seeing to meet the new Community NYC company, and to see how this delightful colony of Meisner-trained artists navigates these complicated characters. Elena Kritter provides smart direction, with informative pantomimes in each transition that illuminate characters' states immediately before and after each scene."
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Front Row Center
September 22nd, 2015

"'Becky Shaw' fairly burst with plot lines, making for an interesting night of theatre...Director Elena Kritter faces a daunting challenge of telling so many stories in a small space. She handles this with aplomb. One feels her assured directorial hand as she allows the actors to follow their own rhythms yet also keeps the swirling plot lines pretty well focused. A play that could stall at many turns moves forward only with the occasional drop in energy,"
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