See it if You seek a visually spare if lighting tech distracting investigation involving the holocaust, family and love.
Don't see it if You don't want to work too hard to try and follow a complex challenging story.
See it if you like to learn about history
Don't see it if you don't like learning about history
See it if You want to learn about something that not many people talk about, with an extremely talented cast, great staging, and a haunting storyline.
Don't see it if You don't like sad, haunting shows.
See it if you seek out any and all representation of queer women or the Holocaust, no matter how bad.
Don't see it if you like shows to be coherent and thoughtfully conceived, characters to have believable motivations, and queer women to actually be queer. Read more
See it if you want an experience in subtlety & fear, a holocaust story that could be about any minority. It will leave you emotional & questioning.
Don't see it if You are not interested in history and drama or you plan on smiling all the way through. This is heavy, very intense, sad & all too real.
See it if you want to experience a subtle meditation on fear. Although the focus is Libyan Jews during WWII, they could be any minority caught in war
Don't see it if you need a clear plot. A play within a play, the main character acts out the story she is telling but key information comes only at the end.
See it if Should be titled A Family's Descent into Hell, masterful telling of Nazi persecution, will leave you crying, a must see for all to learn!
Don't see it if True to life terrifying dramatizations upset/depress you, you prefer the "big" stage feeling
See it if You enjoy watching amazing acting, emotional and profound works, and a beautiful, sad story.
Don't see it if You're looking for a happy play.
“‘Benghazi Bergen-Belsen’ takes on some of the heaviest possible topics with a delicate balance, simultaneously poetic and devastating…The scenes between Silvana and Rebecca are breathtaking…Butcher and Azrielant, both admirable performers, pull the audience's heart strings with their vulnerability and courage…The deeply personal tale of a young woman's Holocaust journey will leave you enthralled with the beauty of the survivors' love, their strength, and their unsurmountable pain."
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"The play is well constructed and staged, though at times the direction by Michal Gamily is a bit amateurish, but overall it was well executed thanks to the touching performance of Lilly Leah Azrielant as Rebecca and Mohammad Bakri as Rebecca’s Father...Lahav Timor’s take is powerful and very well articulated. The play manages to grasp your full attention, until the very end. Unfortunately the show resolves in the last five minutes and this feels a bit chaotic."
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