Billy and the Killers
Closed 1h 35m
Billy and the Killers

Billy and the Killers NYC Reviews and Tickets

(23 Ratings)
Members say
Great singing, Entertaining, Intense, Edgy, Slow

About the Show

A play meets a rock band in this world premiere alt-rock musical about a pair of misfit lovers and a bloody crime of passion.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (23)

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69 Reviews | 19 Followers
Clever, Absorbing, Edgy, Great staging, Intense

See it if You like the psychological and physical outcomes of socities views of 'hard-core' music and what goes on in the lifestyle of the artist.

Don't see it if You dislike more intense music, limited staging, and actors playing multiple roles.

263 Reviews | 108 Followers
Great singing, Tuneful, Entertaining, Good music

See it if You want to see a fairly simple murder mystery with some good music mixed in. This would be great as just a cast recording.

Don't see it if You're sensitive to sound because it's a small space and the music is loud. Also the story isn't that great and ends up pretty obvious.

254 Reviews | 138 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Entertaining, Great singing, Great staging

See it if Rockabilly opera with talented singers appeals to you. Slight convoluted plot adds to energy.

Don't see it if You abhor loud music

297 Reviews | 78 Followers
Entertaining, Clever staging, Excellent musicianship, Great singing, Very dark & intense

See it if you enjoy LOUD rock. Story is rough but it's highly supported by some great music/musicians, singing (w/harsh & dark lyrics), & ok acting.

Don't see it if you can't handle the above. It's not BIG other than some excellent musicians who act AND sing, plus 4 great band-mates supporting the cast. Read more

147 Reviews | 16 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Great singing, Great writing, Intense

See it if you like interesting intense theatre mixed with rock music and unique staging

Don't see it if you dislike rock bands or dislike dark bloody tales

146 Reviews | 24 Followers
Entertaining, Great singing, Intense

See it if you want an intense and dark teen love story from leads who can really sing

Don't see it if you're not a fan of rock music or dark, slightly exaggerated storylines Read more

69 Reviews | 16 Followers
Clever, Entertaining, Great singing, Intelligent, Great staging

See it if you like a rock & roll show with a play mixed in.

Don't see it if you don't like loud music and don't love small theaters.

55 Reviews | 76 Followers
Great staging, Great singing, Edgy

See it if you like angst-driven garage band music &"trailer trash" narratives that reveal the heart in characters who often are judged to be heartless

Don't see it if you like strictly linear story; you don't like couplet-rich indie rock. The story has lumps to be ironed. Characters act out-of-character. Read more

Critic Reviews (3)
November 12th, 2017

“But then the music stops, the dialogue returns, and it's back to dullsville, with Shankman's nonlinear story mostly vacillating between the insipid and the inane. Although one part does cover both bases: the explanation for why Billy is in that orange jumpsuit. It seems a detective (Paul Sadlik) thinks he killed someone, and neither Billy's ex-con father (Tom O'Keefe) nor his shifty lawyer (Sean McDermott) can prove him innocent, at least not until a groan-inducing deception is revealed.”
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Front Row Center
November 11th, 2017

"A lackluster and mopey affair...This production is guilty of several crimes. These include harboring an uninteresting minor, operating a fog machine with intent to choke, lyric writing without a poetic license, and, most egregiously, failure to rock when given the right of way...All the cast is under-served by the score. Stopschinski’s music had the audience sitting still for 100 minutes while Shankman’s lyrics are a downward spiral of end rhymes."
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Times Square Chronicles
November 11th, 2017

"The music is 80’s rock, which if it weren’t so loud and had better lyrics would have been enjoyable. It is well sung...Another problem is the songs do not seem to fit the plot...The book is generic and the dialogue thin...The direction does not help, as the dialogue breaks into song for no reason at all except to put on a concert...If you are looking for an indie pop concert, this will be up your alley. If you are looking for a musical with substance, you might find want to bring a aspirin or two."
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