Body: Anatomies of Being
Closed 1h 40m
Body: Anatomies of Being

Body: Anatomies of Being NYC Reviews and Tickets

(6 Ratings)
Members say
Thought-provoking, Edgy, Ambitious, Absorbing, Intense

About the Show

New Ohio Theatre presents Blessed Unrest's ensemble investigation into the nature of the human body.

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63 Reviews | 26 Followers
Must see, Riveting, Thought-provoking, Edgy, Intelligent

See it if you dare to see how much more there is to a body than just flesh: its politics, vulnerability, beauty, the blessings and curses it carries.

Don't see it if you are prudish and easily offended by the body images that are different from the sanitized, objectified, Photoshopped images in the media

442 Reviews | 127 Followers
Ambitious, Edgy, Intense, Original, Thought-provoking

See it if you are interested in an overlong exploration of how we view the body, enjoy alternative theater, and are open minded about nudity on stage

Don't see it if you are a prude; or if you are easily bored by overly artsy and drawn out performances.

32 Reviews | 16 Followers
Ambitious, Intense, Edgy, Thought-provoking, Naked

See it if You're interested in exploring identity, body issues, race relationships, life, sex, & death with a physically & emotionally committed cast

Don't see it if You're uncomfortable with nudity or impatient with devised, conceptual work.

39 Reviews | 32 Followers
Absorbing, Edgy, Raunchy, Great staging, Indulgent

See it if You love interesting staging and use of space, as well as provocative commentary on modern culture .

Don't see it if nudity on stage makes you uncomfortable.

11 Reviews | 1 Follower

See it if N

Don't see it if N

6 Reviews | 3 Followers
Absorbing, Intelligent, Original, Thought-provoking

See it if Interested in the human body

Don't see it if You don't like human anatomy

Critic Reviews (10)

Theatre is Easy
May 7th, 2016

"Literally and metaphorically, there’s a lot to take in here: any of 'Body’s' featured concepts could easily form the basis for a separate show. Nonetheless, Blessed Unrest handles its subject matter with a surgeon’s precision and an artist’s sensitivity, embracing reverence, confusion, and discomfort alike. Effectively, by inviting us to re-envision the bodies we inhabit, 'Body: Anatomies of Being' highlights our essential humanity, inviting us to celebrate ourselves in all our flawed glory."
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Theater Pizzazz
May 12th, 2016

"Because the actors are so good and Ms. Burr directs them so well, we get to like all of them. A good deal of the dialogue is tediously expository and/or didactic which sometimes turns 'Body' into a lecture demonstration...Although there is a sense of self-indulgence the earnestness of 'Body' far surpasses its provocative elements...Although a dramaturge might have streamlined the play, as it stands 'Body' is original and challenging theater."
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Theater In The Now
May 2nd, 2016

“Part movement piece, part character narratives, and part X-rated lost exhibit at Wonders of Life at Epcot...In the end, no matter what words were spoken on stage, ‘Body’ will be remembered simply because of the nudity. In a sense, this play is simply indulgent...The extensive use of nudity diminished one of the most beautiful narratives...It’s bound to start a conversation. It just may not be the one Blessed Unrest had hoped for.”
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May 4th, 2016

"The demands of this production are highly taxing, emotionally and physically, and each member of the cast attacks the process with prowess. Their cohesiveness is hypnotic and nearly superhuman…The cast is constantly connected and engaged; the faltering moments seem to lie in the overall structure and shape of 'Body'...Though the piece itself is not done growing, it stands on strong legs and moves confidently in the direction of its goal."
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On Stage Blog
May 12th, 2016

"For all its apparent radicalism, this show is very tame and, for a show that features nine naked actors of various shapes and sizes, surprisingly boring...The thing that bothers me most about ‘Body’ is how un-daring it feels...While the show is bold in its staging, it is middling in its emotional depth and its confrontational pretensions are just that. Ironic that a play in which actors remove so much clothing is so…unrevealing...The show is well-intentioned and brave, just deeply flawed."
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Stage and Cinema
May 10th, 2016

"The stories curve and wind through and around each other like the performers. The focus here seems to be less on drama and more on flow, interconnectedness, humanity, intention. And so while I take exception to a couple of the show’s assertions, and while I would have preferred for the scientific information to be explored in a more dramatic fashion, I was captivated by 'Body' from beginning to end, and left the theater feeling a warm, nourishing glow."
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Off Off Online
May 5th, 2016

“As much as it wants to break the audience out of being shocked by nudity, the script doesn’t measure up...For so many things like these that are right about 'Body,' there are too many more that don’t line up...A stronger hand to cut extraneous dialogue, direction that needs to shave off the two extra endings, and even a lighter touch, giving actors time to enjoy the comedy when it lands, are just a few starting places that might help bring ‘Body’ into alignment.”
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May 12th, 2016

"While the story works, the writer did not do a great job of connecting the dots, but it was more than enough to let the individual moments work...The show demands a lot more than it gives. I’m not saying that as a bad thing...Almost every person is naked for a good amount of the show, which creates an uncomfortable atmosphere. Yet I loved it all. The choreography, the dialogue, the boldness of the whole production. Bravo to this team for going all the way and succeeding."
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