Boys' Life
Boys' Life
Closed 1h 30m NYC: Gramercy
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The Seeing Place Theater presents a bitingly funny postmodern comedy of manners that follows the fortunes of a group of urban male "yuppies" as they attempt to come to terms with women and adulthood.

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Critic Reviews (4)

Talkin' Broadway
July 20th, 2015

"'Boys’ Life' tells its story well, but it is trapped within the format of brief scenes that prevent it from digging very deeply into what makes the characters tick. We know very little about Jack, Don, and Phil other than what we can garner from the snapshot glimpses we are given...This is definitely a company to watch."
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Theater In The Now
July 23rd, 2015

"The references are stuck in the time proving the story and characters are sadly dated...This production questions how 'Boys' Life' could have been nominated for a Pulitzer back in the day. The trio of men are despicable characters. The women are so strong that you can't understand what in their right mind would make them want to be with these immature boys."
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Pataphysical Science Blogspot
July 21st, 2015

"It hasn't aged well and might make more sense as a period piece. It's hard to have sympathy for any of these men who behave in deplorable ways as a means to sex or the women, who let themselves be treated poorly. Sure, people like this still exist, but 'Boys' Life' on its own doesn't say anything that interesting about them."
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A Seat on the Aisle
July 20th, 2015

"The play unfolds as a series of brief vignettes rather than as a linear story line and is most effective in doing so. After 90 minutes of this, a full picture has emerged, reflecting the playwright’s view of men behaving badly. Despite its being somewhat dated, 'Boy’s Life' is still a thought-provoking and funny play."
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