Brandonna Summer Lives, Live (FringeNYC)
Brandonna Summer Lives, Live (FringeNYC)
Closed 1h 15m NYC: East Village
87% 7 reviews
(7 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Clever, Great singing, Funny, Delightful

About the Show

Part of FringeNYC: The most glamorous show at this year's FringeNYC. Brandonna Summer, international socialite and dance-pop icon, is on the run from her druglord ex-fiancee. Her hilarious comeback show proves you can't outrun your past, but you sure can outclass it.

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Critic Reviews (2)

Time Out New York
August 16th, 2016

"Drag fandom cuts both ways. Compared to the greats, this cabaret-within-a-comedy is a slight showcase that doesn’t know when to belt its last anthem or take its final bow…If the songs were stronger or pacing tighter, you might care about the wafer-thin plot. On the plus side, Alter has a sturdy pop tenor, a talent for camp one-liners and legs that go on forever…So there’s eye candy, peppy tunes and some laughs. But the affair drags; pardon the term."
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Theatre is Easy
August 23rd, 2016

"This fiercely talented international pop icon has a story to tell, songs to sing, and a love to save…Playing opposite Brandonna is Alexander Cruz, whose strong and elegant dancing is not to be missed…The cast operates like a tightly wound machine and supports one another tremendously well…The sharp writing and arc of 'Brandonna Summer Lives, Live' ensures that the hour running time flies by, likely leaving you wanting for more."
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