Broken Bone Bathtub
Closed 1h 0m
Broken Bone Bathtub
(15 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Enchanting, Refreshing, Thought-provoking, Quirky

About the Show

Solo artist Siobhan O'Loughlin returns to NYC with an immersive theater experience that explores themes of trauma, suffering, human generosity, and connection.

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Critic Reviews (8)

February 20th, 2017

"As with all immersive work, the experience is fluid. Theater is a living art form to begin with, but when you add intensive audience participation and change venues nightly, the experience is even more changeable...Ultimately it's O'Loughlin's open and compassionate heart that gives meaning to 'Broken Bone Bathtub' and inspires others to share freely about their own struggles...'Broken Bone Bathtub' is brave, funny, and surprisingly uplifting."
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Theatre is Easy
January 16th, 2017

"O’Loughlin is a gifted raconteur, her warm, conversational banter as disarming as it is engaging...Her non-confrontational style encourages sharing and makes 'Broken Bone Bathtub' as much our story as it is hers...I cannot think of a single person who could not relate to the piece on some level. More importantly, its challenge to directly interact with this humanity reminds us that we are not alone in our joy or suffering, and more capable of making a difference than we may realize."
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Edge New York
February 2nd, 2017

"The messages of good shows land with people when the artist asks one profound question, and not 20. What makes this show great is that O'Loughlin is in no hurry to push us toward an answer, but seems sure enough of herself to let each performance yield its own conclusions...O'Loughlin is paying it forward to honor her support system who rallied in her time of need and granting us, in our ever-closing windows of direct contact, to remember how to be there for the sake of another person."
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January 26th, 2017

"If it sounds voyeuristic, or gimmicky, it’s O’Loughlin’s approachability as a storyteller and a listener that makes 'Broken Bone Bathtub' both compelling theater and a cathartic group experience...That dynamic of openness and sharing causes every performance to be unique...The ending isn’t exactly a twist, but it is emotionally intimate; sometimes the things we ask of our friends aren’t necessarily what we need, they’re what will keep us connected to them."
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Bushwick Daily
January 18th, 2017

"A rare and intimate treat...By opening herself up first, she had created a safe space in which we could all be honest...Good theater often feels like a mirror being held up to one’s own life...This was good theater. O’Loughlin didn’t make you wait until you were walking to the subway to reflect upon the show and its themes; she asked you to do so as you went along. Each story she shared was an opportunity for self-reflection."
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LA Weekly
July 16th, 2015
For a previous production

"'Broken Bone Bathtub' is what’s becoming known as an immersive theater experience...O’Loughlin wasn’t just aiming for novelty with 'Broken Bone,' though she admits that was part of its appeal...The vibe is relaxed if a little uncertain...As intended, unscripted moments lent this show its own comic flavor."
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New York Theatre Review
January 21st, 2016
For a previous production

"In perhaps the most clear-cut and brilliant case of form mirroring content I’ve ever seen, this show is specifically designed to forge connection between the room of six-ish audience members and Siobhan…'Broken Bone Bathtub' is not simply a solo show. It’s an experience, an event, and a little bit of group therapy…Her story is so full of isolation…And yet, in that room, we were all so utterly bonded. This was one of the most special solo shows I’ve ever seen, and I won’t soon forget it."
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Through The Looking Glass
October 1st, 2015
For a previous production

"Towards the end of the piece, you could really sense that there was a change in the room...I would recommend going to watch Siobhan’s play simply because it evokes what most of us are afraid of revealing to others, what we are insecure about, wanting to ask for help when we really need it... She not only wrote a cracking play, but made discoveries about herself as well."
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