Calderon's Two Dreams
Calderon's Two Dreams
(8 Ratings)
Members say
Absorbing, Ambitious, Clever, Entertaining, Great acting

About the Show

Magis Theatre Company presents both versions of Spanish Golden Age dramatist Pedro Calderón de la Barca's masterpiece 'Life is a Dream.'

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Critic Reviews (5)

Talkin' Broadway
February 15th, 2017

"A rare opportunity to see what is a thoroughly engaging production of the two versions of 'Life Is a Dream'...The 11 cast members of the company do wonderfully taking on roles in both plays and, despite a running time of more than three hours, you are unlikely to be bored or to have much difficulty in following the events as they unfold...What an experience it is to see both of these performed together in the same evening...You'll not likely have this opportunity again any time soon."
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Theatre is Easy
March 9th, 2017

"A theatre scholar's rare treat; while well-executed, it's a marathon nonetheless...Perhaps there's a good reason why we don't see these plays programmed very often, considering the challenge they present to American theatre producers...The Magis company achieved fun, bouncy translations of the works which all the actors performed very well...After three hours of such difficult material, it felt like it was time to grab a towel and hit the showers."
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Theater Pizzazz
February 19th, 2017

'This production did not delve into the deep. I mean that wicked deep from whence all dreams emerge and are extinguished...In reference to directorial style, the blunder of pollinating the stage with stooges who mimic revolutionary renegades as they save the banished Prince is a theatre faux pas...Nonetheless, the main action packed excitement created by the ethereal leading lady and steadfast King’s keeper are worth the entertainment."
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February 18th, 2017

“An energetic and committed ensemble is to be commended for sustaining the energy and intention throughout the piecest…The puppetry and performances are solid, but as a whole, the latter 'Life is a Dream' falls short of being as engaging as the former. It’s a rare experience to see both these texts in the same performance, and for some, the length and unevenness may detract from the timeless and compelling messages contained therein.”
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White Rhino Report
February 23rd, 2017

"A fascinating show that you will not want to miss...This production is the first time that these two Calderon plays have been performed together as a single piece...Talented and energetic ensemble...I left the play intrigued, energized and inspired. I encourage you to make your way to the East Village between now and Sunday to catch one of the final performances of this unique treasure."
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