Death of the Liberal Class
Death of the Liberal Class
Closed 1h 20m NYC: West Village
59% 7 reviews
(7 Ratings)
Members say
Disappointing, Confusing, Slow, Indulgent, Banal

About the Show

The New Ohio presents the world premiere of this dark domestic comedy about liberal parenting, capitalist co-option, and losing (or finding) your edge.

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Critic Reviews (10)

The New York Times
February 2nd, 2016

"'Death of the Liberal Class,' a muddle of a play tries to find bigger themes in a male schlub’s midlife crisis. But that’s asking too much of the story’s irksome, inconsistent characters…The notion of a younger generation calling out hypocrisy by actually taking the actions an older generation only bloviated about holds some appeal, but the play is more interested in validating several wearying middle-age fantasies."
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Time Out New York
February 4th, 2016

"This could be the stuff of a fascinating play, but Robert Lyons hasn’t written one....'Death of the Liberal Class' is thin gruel that feels long even at a meager 70 minutes. The characters seem artificial and Jerry Heymann’s wooden staging does no favors to the writing or the cast. Chalk it up to the gap between theory and practice."
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New York Theatre Guide
February 1st, 2016

"An intensely vivid dark comedy that makes you question your viewpoints on everything from infidelity to yardsticks for success, from progressive parenting to post capitalist apocalyptic scenarios...Robert Lyons has written a complex, multi-layered and thought provoking play...Director Jerry Heymann has ensured a great paced production full of beautifully conducted moments as he expertly dissected the remains of a bloated family corpse."
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Theatre is Easy
January 30th, 2016

"'Death of the Liberal Class' takes a typical dysfunctional family narrative and raises the stakes with an economic conspiracy theory…Even though she only appears in three scenes, Olivia Horton particularly shines as Maggie…Horton approaches the work with a delightful truth and simplicity…How reassuring to see the New Ohio continue to take risks on new plays like 'Death of the Liberal Class.'"
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The Huffington Post
February 3rd, 2016

"The play defies the dichotomous branding of 'liberal' and 'conservative'...'Death of the Liberal Class' is essential theater for the new generation-- where cultural, social, and political mores are constantly evolving, weaving together, and merging. Robert Lyons has given us exceptionally well-written characters."
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February 2nd, 2016

"Ultimately, this play succeeds at getting you to care about the characters and their domestic issues, but not necessarily about the financial apocalypse that may or may not be rapidly approaching. The actors have great chemistry onstage…'Death of the Liberal Class' suffers from an inconsistent tone and a few metaphors that are never fully developed."
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On Stage Blog
February 4th, 2016

"Sometimes plays are so bad you get to actively enjoy how bad they are...But other times, darker times, plays are so bad they’re bad. They’re boring, dull, wastes of time and energy. Today we’re dealing with the latter...When I say it’s uninspiring, I mean it to the extent that I can’t be bothered to think of a decent hyperbole to end this sentence with. It’s the kind of play that is so bland it’s hard to know where to start."
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Off Off Online
February 4th, 2016

"The sexual tension is palpable even with their eyes glued to their respective keyboards...Robert Lyons’ play asserts a very important message in this age of technology: that it can be both useful and destructive, but what it’s not, is sensual."
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