Closed 1h 30m NYC: East Village
70% 1 reviews
(1 Rating)
Members say
Confusing, Ambitious, Thought-provoking, Great acting

About the Show

Red Garnet Theater presents 'Fen,' Caryl Churchill's drama about the lives of farmworkers in the Fens of East Anglia.

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Critic Reviews (5)

Theatre is Easy
February 14th, 2016

"Director Patricia Lynn has given the production a robust physicality that suits its setting, and the actors create the sense of a specific world with very little in the way of sets or props. The performances, while gripping and committed, seem a little unfinished. The episodic nature of the play is disorienting, by design, and it falls to the cast to provide a sense of a journey. It’s not quite there, though perhaps as the run continues, it could emerge."
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Theater Pizzazz
February 16th, 2016

"In this production (directed by Patricia Lynn) the pastiche of seemingly innumerable characters who were undifferentiated in either costume or affect was only further washed out by unimaginative and too minimal props and set. What’s more, the actors’ mashups of unconvincing 'British' regional and social class dialects lent further confusion to who the characters actually were."
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Front Row Center
February 14th, 2016

"A beautiful piece of writing...Sensitively presented in this excellent production, the play comes to life in an evening of well-wrought storytelling…There is not a weak link in this production. The actors are wonderful — interesting, vulnerable, unique, strong — and their accents are spot-on…From start to finish, this is great theater that speaks to the individual experience of sadness, of dreams, of hope, leaving indelible images that remain with you long after you have left the building."
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Theater In The Now
February 16th, 2016

"Lynn’s sleek staging optimized the production. The scenes bleed cleanly into one another, rarely allowing dead air. Exploring the less is more theory and utilizing only a handful of props, Lynn was still able to portray a world unfamiliar to the audience...Red Garnet Theater Company has provided a solid production of a strong text. Sure the storytelling took some time to heat up, once it did, the audience was along for the ride."
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Blog Critics
February 13th, 2016

"Being unable to understand some of the lines exacerbated the occasional character confusion built into the production’s structure and frustrated me. Fortunately it didn’t happen often enough to break the cumulative spell the play cast. Crisply directed, the production benefits from subtle sound design and effective use of the scant lighting resources. But it’s above all the stellar acting that rockets this revival of one of Churchill’s classic works into the top tier of Off-Off-Broadway accomplishment."
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