"The production boasts a highly talented cast and creative team and, equally important, a big collective heart...Harborth’s nuanced direction works tightly with Mittelhauser’s colorful sets and by-turns bubbly and sensitive choreography...Wickham’s sharp musical direction helps to get the most from the cast. The Gallery Players have gone all-out to give one of Broadway’s great musicals a staging just about as spectacular as one could hope for in a small theater."
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"The production of 'Gypsy' at The Gallery Players is huge. It contains 31 actors, all of whom are excellent in their respective roles. Rose tried mounting many shows to make her daughters stars but the depression and the talkies were ruining vaudeville. Gypsy Rose Lee eventually ends up in a burlesque house appropriately called The Bottom. Whether you have seen a production of 'Gypsy' or not, I guarantee you will enjoy this show, which received a standing ovation from the sold-out audience."
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