"This is a very Hamlet-centric production, with the young prince passionately played by Alexander Sovronsky...It's highly stylized, and very effectively so for the most part...There are other performances that round out the production and make it great...This season has seen a lot of good small-company productions of Shakespeare plays, and First Maria’s 'Hamlet' is one of the best...Theirs is beautifully designed, expertly acted and exciting to watch."
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"To choose 'Hamlet' as your launch into the directing world is a bold choice, and for the most part Moratti has succeeded in this committed decision. Her principal move is to bring musicians onstage with the actors creating additional rhythms to Shakespeare’s music of words...Alexander Sovronsky is first-rate as the Prince of Denmark...The entire cast are solid in their performances...Here is hoping that Celeste Moratti continues on this trajectory of directorial discoveries."
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