See it if You want to see characters developed through song in a magical world
Don't see it if You need to see developed characters in more than just a perfunctory ending after their world was created
See it if You love getting transported to a magical place
Don't see it if You dont like musicals
See it if See it if you enjoy musicals, fantasy, and live music.
Don't see it if Don't see it if you're not a fan of musicals.
See it if You like dark comedies about female friendship and duty. You like in medias res.
Don't see it if You're looking for a concert. The instruments are only for accompaniment and the cello is particularly under-used.
See it if If you have a vivid imagination!
Don't see it if If you don't believe in fairies
See it if you love Renaissance Fairs, beautiful fantasy-style costumes, presentational/stylized acting, and pretty voices
Don't see it if you are frustrated by elevated language without elevated substance, you prefer emotionally connected acting, you like a swift pace
See it if You like unique musicals with a beautiful story, great live music, and good meaningful relationships among characters.
Don't see it if You don't like musicals or you prefer musical comedies with large casts and dance numbers.
See it if you like dramatic musicals, like a touch of sci-fi/fantasy in shows, or like cello as part of the orchestra.
Don't see it if you don't like non-linear storytelling or don't like musicals.
"A layered play which explores the dynamic of longtime friendships that don’t know how to evolve...It presses all of our emotional buttons. The music transports you to this other land on a score of beautiful harmonies and sad refrains…All three singer/actors are triple-threat performers with gorgeous voices and have created great characters…It’s a tight, well-polished, professional work that speaks of a successful rehearsal period where excellence was aimed for and achieved."
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"The non-linear style of 'Held' is a bold move that’s effectively pulled off...Though the intricacies of this friendship are captivating, certain moments drag for far too long…With no set, Feith's design and Rose’s tragically beautiful orchestrations invite the audience to imagine time and place...Our ensemble wonderfully brings Maxwell and Rose’s songs to life. If you’re curious to see how fantasy looks in a musical, or if you generally enjoy new musical work, 'Held' is worth checking out."
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"A lovely fairy tale filled with sophisticated, beautifully layered songs…It’s easy to see what’s coming from the hints dropped like breadcrumbs along the way, but that doesn’t hinder the enjoyment of the story or change the fact that the music and performances are all excellent...Even if the plot was somewhat predictable, it was told with care and creativity. All told, 'Held' was one of the best Fringe shows I’ve seen. Get a seat while you can."
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"'Held' was a mix of 'The Giver' meets 'Game of Thrones' meets 'No Exit'...'Held' was musically beautiful, but left the audience wanting more…more plot development, more character development and more of a punch on those important lines/moments. It should certainly be done again, maybe added to and directed with more importance."
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"Maxwell and Rose make a powerhouse of a team. They know what they are doing, and 'Held' is proof. It’s well crafted, and its entertaining mix of fantasy, memorable music, and emotional ups and downs keeps the audience engaged...'Held’s' nine original songs are not just interludes of entertainment; they are used to further the plot and develop characters...It’s filled with poetry, humor, and gorgeous music. This dreamy fairy tale is one that won’t soon be forgotten."
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