Hey Jude
Closed 1h 30m
Hey Jude
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About the Show

The Cell Theatre presents a new musical about losing one's identity and family crisis, through the story of Beatles-obsessed Anna, her mentally decaying husband, and her adoptive son.

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Critic Reviews (3)

Theater Pizzazz
June 8th, 2015

"The play is a 'slice of life'; there is no trajectory, no resolution. It doesn’t end, it simply stops. The audience didn’t know the play was finished and was slow to applaud. That said, the performers—all excellent—were warmly cheered once they appeared for their curtain calls."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
June 6th, 2015

"An aura of vagueness and surreality hovers about the play, which sometimes is so dreary it’s as if someone were lying dead in the next room and the actors were afraid of being disrespectful...When a play's most exciting moments are a middle-aged woman's standing on her head while doing yoga, chasing after a cockroach, or struggling over a knife with someone who isn't there, you wait politely for it all to whimper to its end so you can return to the drama of real life."
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Theater In The Now
June 5th, 2015

"'Hey Jude' is a beautiful story. It’s heartfelt and personal. But put up against a sea of other family drama’s, 'Hey Jude' doesn’t stick out. And like Henry’s memory, it will just linger there until another one comes around."
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