Hindle Wakes
Closed 2h 30m
Hindle Wakes

Hindle Wakes NYC Reviews and Tickets

(112 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Intelligent, Entertaining, Absorbing, Delightful

About the Show

The Mint brings brings Houghton's 1910 comic drama to New York city for the first time in 95 years. A sly morality tale that mixes questions of ethics, class, custom, and morals into an effervescent fizz of comic realism.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (112)

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245 Reviews | 47 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Great acting, Entertaining, Refreshing

See it if you like mint productions. Timely, current issues, well presented and phenomenally relevant and contemporary writing.

Don't see it if you prefer light, fluffy, musical productions

266 Reviews | 27 Followers
Clever, Great acting, Great writing, Intelligent, Thought-provoking

See it if you like an intriguing story with strong characters and 100% fine acting

Don't see it if you don't find drawing-room dramas with comedic tones engaging; you don't enjoy plays from the past

124 Reviews | 28 Followers
Wonderful!, Great directing, Great acting, Clever script, Beautiful sets & lighting

See it if You enjoy a well-structured play with Gus Kaikkonen directing a talented cast. I loved it.

Don't see it if If you want a musical, but try it. It's clever and fun. Read more

102 Reviews | 20 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Great acting, Intelligent, Must see

See it if you value traditional theater and a staging of a forgotten work with very fine acting.

Don't see it if you think something like School of Rock is theater. Read more

161 Reviews | 27 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Edgy, Masterful, Relevant

See it if you want great dramatic writing &acting of an old (1910's) play that's surprisingly relevant today & somehow seems modern despite its age.

Don't see it if you're not into serious drama and are just looking to be "entertained"

200 Reviews | 24 Followers
Entertaining, Funny, Great acting, Delightful, Refreshing

See it if What an unexpected, delightful evening! Extremely entertaining and great acting. Funny and sad at times. Great for women’s libbers. Go see👍

Don't see it if You are not into family dramas and the women’s lib movement.

262 Reviews | 38 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Intelligent

See it if You want great theater and acting. And amazing sets.

Don't see it if You don't like plays not sent in today's world.

488 Reviews | 194 Followers
Well-acted, Full of integrity and thoughtfulness, Timelessly-revelatory, Engaging, Intelligent

See it if you appreciate older, little-seen dramas revitalized for a contemporary audience; appreciate off-Broadway gems; love solid drama and acting.

Don't see it if seeking bells and whistles and flashy forms of entertainment; want something less predictable; dislike plays that can feel "old-fashioned." Read more

Critic Reviews (22)

The New York Times
January 19th, 2018

“Gentle as a summer rain until, bam, something electric happens to charge the air. Kaikkonen’s handsome, rough around the edges production makes a better case for the play as a curiosity than a forgotten gem, though...A paean to women’s sexual freedom from a time before they even had the right to vote...A play about class, ambition, and self-determination, but it’s even more concerned with the suffocating effects of paternalism.”
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Lighting & Sound America
January 19th, 2018

“One of the least sentimental plays ever written about matchmaking...A quiet play about a commonplace situation, but, the more one thinks about it, the more devastating it seems...Under Kaikkonen's meticulous, understated direction, a way of life and its assumptions and ideals are overturned by a capitalism-inspired vision of individual satisfaction...Effectively immerses us in a world where the mere hint of impurity is enough to destroy a young woman's reputation."
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Talkin' Broadway
January 18th, 2018

“The play's construction is rather unusual but highly effective in terms of what we see or don't see happen...Kaikkonen directs with the utmost sensitivity, helping to draw wonderfully naturalistic performances from all involved, and dialect coach Stoller seems to have been a big help with the Yorkshire patois. These two and the rest of the production team...work together with a superb cast and the words of a long-deceased playwright to create something very special.”
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February 4th, 2018

“Not seen in New York in 95 years, ‘Hindle Wakes’ has been given a stylish and fast-paced production by Gus Kaikkonen making it yet another rediscovered treasure, the Mint's stated mission. At its center is a magnificently wry performance by Jonathan Hogan in the play's leading role. Though some may find the play's Edwardian morality dated, the Me-Too movement shows not a lot has changed in the past 100 years. The clever and wise ‘Hindle Wakes’ is as timely as ever.”
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January 18th, 2018

“Under the sure-footed direction of Kaikonen, each member of the cast gets to make the most of his or her character's real and very human personality traits. Brinkley as Fanny is a convincingly feisty early feminist and we wouldn't have a play without her character. However, it's the older characters...Who bring out the humor and make this more than a period drama with a dash of feminism...As usual with a Mint production, a huge nod to the crafts team.”
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Theater Pizzazz
January 18th, 2018

“A thoroughly enjoyable, readily accessible play...Although it was written more than 100 years ago, it raises issues of sex, love, ethics, and morality that still stir controversy...While Ibsen, Wilde, and Shaw had previously addressed these matters, the characters in ‘Hindle Wakes’ are more fully realized and the humor is gentle...This work has been brilliantly cast and dazzlingly performed. It’s rich with laugh lines that are also thought-provoking...So run, don’t walk, to buy thy tickets.”
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Front Row Center
January 19th, 2018

“Mint Theater Company’s production vibrantly brings to the contemporary table sexual issues which preoccupy us today...The climax is startling and worthy of our age, a gift from playwright...A company of great actors, due much congratulations on their masterful craft...Directed with clarity and sensitivity...This play deserves our attention. It is a descendant of Ibsen and owes much to that master of realistic social argument, the theatrical presentation of ideas.”
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Stage Buddy
January 18th, 2018

“This 1912 drama is stunningly pertinent and potent...A thoughtful, handsomely mounted, and thoroughly enjoyable production...It’s a bit tricky for the director to segue from the extremely dark and heavy opening scenes of the play to the sort of comedy-of-manners business that comes later in the evening...The cast is solid...This production owes a great deal of its success to Brinkley’s turn as the radiantly earthy Fanny. She is pitch-perfect.”
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