See it if Beautiful Experience
Don't see it if You don't like portrayals of christianity
See it if you're ok being preached to and are comfortable with extreme religious beliefs
Don't see it if you don't to hear excessive proselytizing and a heavy-handed script.
See it if You are curious about Romulus Linney, Laura Linney’s Dad, who was a fixture of the theatre world in his time.
Don't see it if You don’t like a lot of shouting in small spaces.
See it if you'd like a glimpse of a Pentecostal service. Church starts 30min in. You're immersed in prayer, song & testifying, while story continues.
Don't see it if you don't want to sit thru 2hrs of intense arguing, even thru 90min church service. You should. Book has interesting resolve & conversion. Read more
See it if you'll enjoy a seldom-performed play by an important playwright.The script makes you empathize w/some odd characters doing weird things.
Don't see it if you aren't willing to endure being screamed at most of the 1st act;some actors were unintelligible at times.
See it if you want to understand more about snake handlers and what draws people to do this. Strong performances and insightful characters.
Don't see it if you hate Christian music or religious themes.
See it if Interesting acting and characters in a religious setting. The acting was intense but loud
Don't see it if you want to see a string of monologues about a religious cult Read more
See it if you want to see a large cast show, which is rare in such a small space. Nicely acted, well staged, quite absorbing and atmospheric. It works
Don't see it if you are bothered by religious subjects, you don't care about southern rural culture, you don't like rather slow-moving and developing shows.
"Director Judson Jones has not overcome the script’s structural failings. The dialogue seemed a little forced and the transitions weak, but mostly Mr. Jones could not overcome his cast using shouting as a substitute for emotions...We love Theatre East’s mission of fostering new plays of social relevance through New York and World Premieres. Unfortunately, this production isn’t their best."
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“Not the most action-filled piece, but it’s not intended to be. Instead, it is a slice of life drama...Watching this story unfold is fascinating and ominous...The amounts of grace, care, and compassion shared by this congregation are deeply touching. Yet beneath it lies a troubling, blinded cult-like mentality...Jones painted a respectable portrait for city slickers who are otherwise unfamiliar with this world...It might send you on a journey through your own soul.”
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“The show is about 80% exposition/story-telling, but it works, beautifully...I worked on the last NY production of ‘Holy Ghosts,’ 40 years ago. I was quite impressed with the show, had a major flaw. It turns out that play holds up very well--and this production actually fixes the flaw...Jones gets credit for the fix and for directing a smooth, clear, touching production that builds nicely and convincingly...The excellent cast is anchored by a strong and subtle performance by Palmer.”
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“Outstanding revival...Jones and his actors take great care ensuring that the play never gets out of control...Jones adds a nice touch having worshipers occasionally look into the audience as if to bring them into their circle...Because Linney’s writing is so powerful, the service and play’s climax is controlled...Jarrett and Palmer are believably heartbreaking...This production’s heart is worn by Wassum’s Mrs. Wall, the church organist.”
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