Part of FringeNYC: From fetish profiles to secret loves, we're all in the closet about something. Johnny Darlin performs his electro-rock catalog alongside dancers, video artists, poets and storytellers in an arena-style pop spectacle asking: what does it take to finally come out?
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"Disappointingly, the theatrical concert 'Johnny Darlin: In the Closet' is primarily about that most vanilla of closets (in 2016): being gay...A serious sound-balance issue drowns Johnny's delicate falsetto, obscuring most of the lyrics…The barrage of audiovisual stimulation is bound to make anyone who was born before the first Clinton administration feel old. There's definitely a place for Johnny's unapologetic poptacular, but one doubts that the Fringe is it."
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"Darlin’s pacing is seamless, his music is thoroughly sharp and fantastical, and his story is excellently balanced in all its forms. The artists grapple with many mediums throughout this show and execute them all tremendously...Each individual element operates beautifully as its own piece, but when together, they inform and challenge the surface interpretation of the individual. Before 'Johnny Darlin,' I have not seen another performer so successfully claim queerness as subversive power. "
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"Providing more of a story within the already extraordinary material will absolutely enhance this production. We can see there’s a story inside Johnny, it’s time for the story to come out! The desire for more comes from the fact that Michael Doshier as Johnny Darlin is raw talent. He is a profound storyteller and an astonishing vocalist who doesn’t need to hide behind any autotune...This team should be proud of the physical product. If the goal of a concert is to entertain, they succeeded."
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