Closed 2h 20m NYC: West Village
76% 4 reviews
(4 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Intelligent, Clever, Relationship-driven, Ambitious

About the Show

Page 73 Productions, dedicated to producing plays by early-career playwrights, presents a world premiere about the breakup of a marriage that takes place 25 years in the future.

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Critic Reviews (5)

The New York Times
September 13th, 2015

"Weirdness is not intrinsically interesting or, for that matter, funny. While Posner’s wordplay sometimes evokes adventurousness, it feels so untethered to real human beings that it’s more like a tic than a meaningful innovation. Eventually you begin to feel sorry for the actors, who all give personable performances."
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New York Post
September 16th, 2015

"'Judy' is uneven — the play is a collection of delicious little moments that don’t add up to much. But Ken Rus Schmoll’s production for the Page 73 company is as good as can be, and benefits from a fab cast."
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September 10th, 2015

"Not much happens, meaning that the experience is contingent upon interesting performances that can illuminate the linguistic gems buried in the text. Under the artfully understated direction of Ken Rus Schmoll, the cast succeeds in making Posner's awkward prose feel natural...The end result feels hollow and unenlightening."
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Lighting & Sound America
September 14th, 2015

"I wish I could tell you that any of this is amusing or even moderately insightful, but the future depicted here is one of crushing banality and one wearies of hearing about it almost immediately...'Judy' is surely the weakest offering I've yet seen at Page 73. I should add that Judy, like Godot, never shows up. I think she's got the right idea."
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New York Theater
September 12th, 2015

"The play is most interesting when absorbed as a collection of these undeveloped conceits, rather than followed for its accumulation of scenes in search of a plot...This playwright shows palpable promise, and his work, albeit in need of a dramaturg, is being showcased in an impressive production directed by Ken Rus Schmoll with a first-rate cast."
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