Major Barbara (Helluva Theatre Company)
Major Barbara (Helluva Theatre Company)

Major Barbara (Helluva Theatre Company) NYC Reviews and Tickets

(5 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Great writing, Thought-provoking, Entertaining, Great staging

About the Show

Helluva Theatre Company and Medicine Show Theatre Ensemble present Bernard Shaw's comic masterwork in a production that tries to put the fun in dysfunction.

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102 Reviews | 90 Followers
Entertaining, Great staging, Great writing, Relevant, Thought-provoking

See it if Are a Shaw fan. Enjoy a very well acted play in an intimate venue.

Don't see it if Do not like revivals or very long plays and do not have a long attention span.

172 Reviews | 24 Followers
Absorbing, Entertaining, Great acting, Great writing

See it if you enjoy classic, thought provoking theater. Great acting taking an old play and made relevant to today's times.

Don't see it if Can't sit through a 3 hour show. Want more action and less discussion.

254 Reviews | 138 Followers
Clever, Entertaining, Great acting, Great staging, Intelligent

See it if Major Barbara has surprising parallels to today. Great acting and innovative staging breathe new life in this Shaw that you read in H.S

Don't see it if You have horrible memories of required H.S. reading lists.

393 Reviews | 101 Followers
Relevant, Thought-provoking, Great writing, Great acting, Absorbing

See it if you're up for a sharply performed, lively and compelling evening of Shaw that succeeds in going beyond epigram, argument or lecture

Don't see it if you can't sit through a 3 hour drama, no matter how fast-paced, or if you don't like Discussion plays, no matter how conversational & funny. Read more

113 Reviews | 15 Followers
Absorbing, Great acting, Great staging, Intense, Thought-provoking

See it if You enjoy classic theater, more dialogue than action, relevant story w/parallels to modern times, clever use of small space

Don't see it if you dont like revivals, long plays, low budget productions, simple sets.

Critic Reviews (1)

Atticus Review
November 28th, 2016

"Helluva Theatre Company - newly formed under the mission to produce plays from the traditional canon that aren't often seen - has ambitiously chosen George Bernard Shaw's 'Major Barbara' as its inaugural production. The dialogue-heavy, two-and-a-half-hour play set in 1906 was resurrected by Helluva Theatre in part for its parallels to our current societal conversation concerning the relationship between wealth and power (and the complex dilemmas of morality therein)."
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