Me The People: The Trump America Musical
Closed 1h 30m
Me The People: The Trump America Musical

Me The People: The Trump America Musical NYC Reviews and Tickets

(88 Ratings)
Members say
Funny, Entertaining, Clever, Relevant, Hilarious

About the Show

This up-to-the minute musical satire of Trump's presidency and today's red, white, and orange America returns with its 'Fire and Fury Edition' edition.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (88)

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204 Reviews | 17 Followers
Clever, Entertaining, Funny, Great Singing, Great Writing

See it if You are not a Trump supporter or neutral about his presidency... A lot of funny moments, interesting to see. I had seen it twice, a yr apart

Don't see it if You are a Trump supporter. You may not enjoy the jokes...

444 Reviews | 79 Followers
Clever, Hilarious, Intelligent Political Comedy, Relevant

See it if Refreshing comedy and satirical musical review using altered lyrics to popular and show tunes, visual sight gags, and physical comedy.

Don't see it if You would still vote for Trump even if he committed murder on 5th Avenue.

1421 Reviews | 373 Followers
Banal, Confusing, Disappointing, Excruciating, Fluffy

See it if This show was the worst. Some talented actors trying to do there best with no script. Jokes were few and far between.

Don't see it if If you want a real comedy. If you have anything else to do, anything.

46 Reviews | 7 Followers
Delightful, Edgy, Great Writing, Hilarious, Intelligent

See it if You enjoy political satire.

Don't see it if If you are a trump supporter

120 Reviews | 12 Followers
Clever, Entertaining, Funny

See it if You want to see Trump bashed and some talented actors

Don't see it if You are a big Trump fan.

404 Reviews | 71 Followers
Entertaining, Funny, Relevant

See it if you are not a Trump supporter and you enjoy political satirical plays.

Don't see it if you are a Trump supporter or do not care for politics and political satire.

129 Reviews | 28 Followers
Ambitious, Clever, Hilarious, Intelligent, Relevant

See it if You can handle real truth (in a really funny way)!

Don't see it if This whole political situation is just too real for you...

38 Reviews | 6 Followers
Clever, Delightful, Enchanting, Entertaining, Funny

See it if You are anti Trump. Very clever.

Don't see it if If you are pro Trump.

Critic Reviews (15)
September 16th, 2018

“You'd need a ten ton truck to haul away all the slings and arrows slung and shot at Donald Trump in ‘Me the People: Fire & Fury Edition,’ the red-hot political revue currently on stage at the Laurie Beechman Theatre. Written by the sharp-witted Nancy Holson whose hilarious lyrics repurpose many well-known songs for her nefarious criticisms of our misbegotten president, the show is an update of an earlier version.”
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The New York Times
June 29th, 2017
For a previous production

"How can a satire possibly be more farcical or bizarre or outrageous than the president’s own words and actions? Spoiler alert: It can’t. Here, a lot of the jokes are bad and the marks are easy...There are a lot worse ways to spend a Saturday night than laughing and grieving together. The performers are fine singers and fizzy delights, with Mr. Spitaletta and Ms. Weinberger emerging as particularly skillful impersonators...It wasn’t impeachment, but it wasn’t so bad."
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Lighting & Sound America
July 12th, 2017
For a previous production

"As a serving of fresh red meat for fed-up liberal theatregoers–if that's not redundant–it packs a fair amount of bite, and all involved are dedicated to keeping it up-to-date...Falzone keeps the action pacey, although there is a slightly rough, ragged quality that doesn't always seem intentional...But if you're in the mood for a comic takedown of the 45th president and his often bizarre entourage, you'll enjoy some bursts of clarifying laughter."
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July 2nd, 2017
For a previous production

"Breezy but patchy...The youthful and energetic cast and the wigs are outstanding...Director Falzone’s brisk staging mines as much comedy and visual variety as possible, making this virtually unfunny 85-minute presentation bearable...For those upset at how the election turned out, 'Me the People' may be mildly cathartic. As an entertainment it borders on being passable."
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Theatre is Easy
July 9th, 2017
For a previous production

"For both a hilarious night out and a satirical look at the current state of politics, 'Me the People' will not disappoint...The writing, which could easily have fallen into a gimmicky trap, is nuanced, giving even the most outrageous sketches a smart and extremely relevant feel. The evening draws attention to the political anxiety looming in the back of everyone’s mind while giving the audience a safe space to come together and face the next four years with a laugh."
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Theater Pizzazz
September 10th, 2017
For a previous production

"A hilarious, song and dance review through the Trump Administration. Held together by four strong musical theater actors, this political parody will keep you smiling and tapping your toes...The music has a rippling, bouncy quality that effortlessly keeps each moment flowing into the next...Director Jay Falzone has sprinkled in some great, comedic moments..The frivolity and sense of ease make for a joyous evening at the theater."
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Front Row Center
June 30th, 2017
For a previous production

"A rousing tonic to despair...A clever, satirical revue...The talented quartet sing with exuberance and commitment, doing hilarious impressions...This show is guaranteed to make you laugh. Guaranteed...This is definitely a satire from the heart and it gets to the heart of the matter...Holson speaks her truth, demonstrating the power of humor as refuge and inspiration. Kindred spirits gather, have a drink, laugh and are reinvigorated for the fight."
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Theatre's Leiter Side
July 2nd, 2017
For a previous production

“A mildly humorous political revue about the 45th POTUS...Being reminded of almost every creature in this so-called leader's black lagoon (a.k.a. swamp) for a nonstop, 85-minutes can be a slog...Still, given the need for some outlet, any outlet, for theatregoers to vent their disgust, shows like this…perform a valuable public service. They cavort with nonstop energy but the impersonations are mostly ragged and singing ability is not a company strength. Only Weinberger displays…standout talent.”
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