"A tenderly drawn drama by Melissa Ross about stunted lives in a middle-class suburb of Boston...The most affecting passages are the scenes between Jo and Donny, in which they sit on the porch and gradually reveal the loneliness and disappointment that have settled in their hearts...Although it’s a modest play, 'Nice Girl' never strikes a dishonest note."
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"Gentle, old-fashioned heart-tugger casts an insistent spell, even when she lays it on too thick...It’s a simple story that makes you ponder the age-old dilemma about women having it all. There’s so much warmth generated, you root for Jo to have just a little bit more."
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"Mimi O’Donnell and playwright Ross share the soft touch needed for a story that could easily derail into caricature, especially since it takes place in 1984, complete with references to Tab, Jane Fonda workout videos and Lean Cuisine...The cast is very good at creating real people whose decisions you understand, no matter how dumb or short-sighted they may seem...By the end of the play, we can only hope they’re going to be OK — that while they won’t ever finish first, at least they won’t be last."
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"So much of 'Nice Girl' is so observant, so accurate, and so unsentimental that it's a sad duty to report that it doesn't fully satisfy...Too many of the later scenes don't build dramatically. Just when the characters' emotions should be reaching a boiling point, the playwright resets the temperature at medium."
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"Strong performances from the cast and a detailed, well-designed set help to make this an enthralling production. While the plot and premise of 'Nice Girl' may not sound particularly unique or enticing, this appealing and compelling piece is proof that a high-quality production featuring exceptional actors can make what might seem like a run of the mill storyline into something extraordinary."
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"The pacing of the show makes the two hours, 15 minutes go by quickly...The acting is superb. The lights complement each scene and the sound brings you back to the eighties and affirms the setting easily...The ending leaves us with just as many questions as it does answers and the smallest grain of hope rests in the last moment. Perhaps this play will even inspire you to believe in the possibility of change."
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"The most shocking thing about the Labyrinth Theater’s latest offering is that this troupe, known for its intensity, would choose such a tame and familiar vehicle as Melissa Ross’ 'Nice Girl.' Not that there’s anything particularly wrong with that. This is a solid, sentimental and ultimately satisfying production; just not a terribly jarring or original one."
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"This is a world of modest dreams, and happiness always feels just slightly out of reach. Yet there is a sense of hope that gives momentum to the play. And in spite of the serious struggles of the characters, the play manages to be quite funny – sort of embracing the spirit of you have to laugh or else you’ll cry."
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