New Songs Now NYC Reviews and Tickets

(31 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Great singing, Original, Delightful, Refreshing

About the Show

In Rattlestick Playwrights Theater and The Araca Group's all-new unplugged summer concert series, two different songwriters will share songs-in-progress followed by audience talk backs after each performance. 

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Show-Score Member Reviews (31)

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65 Reviews | 27 Followers
Entertaining, Intelligent, Masterful, Original, Refreshing

See it if You are open to new ideas and love music. Acoustic performances the night I went were great. Q&A afterwards was fantastic

Don't see it if You want a play or a story. This is a music performance

64 Reviews | 49 Followers
Grace mclean and max vernon are wildly talented!

See it if you can! Wonderful series that allows you to hear new musical theater material in an intimate setting.

Don't see it if you're expecting to see a finished show. This is more like being in the rehearsal room.

563 Reviews | 194 Followers
Original, Intelligent, Thought-provoking, Entertaining, Clever

See it if You want to hear very new music by very talented singer/songwriters. You're interested in the music creation process.

Don't see it if You want to hear more well-known music. You're not interested in the creation process of music.

112 Reviews | 11 Followers
Absorbing, Funny, Great writing, Intelligent, Original

See it if you love new musical theatre.

Don't see it if you only want to see super polished performances.

68 Reviews | 16 Followers
Entertaining, Delightful, Absorbing, Relevant, Thought-provoking

See it if you want-insight/masterclass on songwriting/creative process-an enlightening talkback with open accessible artists-minimalist staging

Don't see it if you want-a polished/finished production-a band/orchestral presentation. This is an exploration of an artist and their work in progress.

124 Reviews | 28 Followers
Clever, Delightful, Entertaining, Original, Great singing

See it if you enjoy composers performing their songs. I saw Grace McLean & Max Vernon & thought they were both wonderful performers and musicians.

Don't see it if you want to see a full length work. But each song was wonderful.

418 Reviews | 190 Followers
Entertaining, Edgy, Great writing, Original, Great singing

See it if original music sung by edgy composers;to feel the emotions written into each song;happy&sad; Diana Oh an LGBTQ minority icon & Ryan Kattner

Don't see it if You expect traditional music sung in a cabaret by bejeweled singers backed by an elaborate set; Do not like bare bones raw emotions

112 Reviews | 56 Followers
Delightful, Entertaining, Clever, Great singing

See it if You enjoy original music performed by witty and interesting writers. Loved loved loved Diana Ho!

Don't see it if You need to hear music that's on some top ten list or you're expecting a traditional Broadway show. This is purely musical performances.