Red Flamboyant
Closed 2h 0m
Red Flamboyant
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About the Show

Ancient Vietnamese mythology, aerial performance and water puppetry animate the real-life struggle of Vietnamese women living with HIV.

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Critic Reviews (3)

The New York Times
May 4th, 2015

"The overlapping worlds of the play, which is both earthbound and shot through with romanticism are least successful when most wedded to reality. But when 'Red Flamboyant' steps off into myth and ghosts and fever dreams, it at last begins to breathe...It seems unlikely that this is the play’s final form; it would be unfortunate if it were. Mr. Nguyen is aiming intriguingly high. He may just need a little more time to get there."
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NY Theater Now
April 29th, 2015

"Courage fighting AIDS. Courage fighting to get Han Dynasty China out of Vietnam.There are two exciting storylines at work in 'Red Flamboyant,' a play and aerial experience. Most importantly, the mostly female characters are solidly written and portrayed. This is a wonderful peek into what it takes to survive, or to make a difference."
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New York Theatre Review
April 29th, 2015

"'Red Flamboyant' is a heartfelt tale about a deeply important issue still affecting the world today. With some editing, snipping, and time to grow, this piece will bloom like its namesake flower."
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