See it if you like catchy music and an uplifting show. I saw a lot of young teenage and younger boys in the audience truly enjoying the show.
Don't see it if you're not open to leaving the cartoon behind. I've never been a fan of the cartoon but absolutely loved this show!
See it if you would like to see a Hallmark card come to life, full of sentimentality and old fashioned values.
Don't see it if you prefer modern shows with contemporary music.
See it if You like musicals You like shows about returning and reflecting on the past and ones home You like talented actors taking on many roles
Don't see it if You don't like small theater
See it if Your brain needs a rest. Not much concentration required . Pleasant music, singing and dancing.
Don't see it if You like a more absorbing story or plot..
See it if You're really bored and can't findd anything else available
Don't see it if You have high standards
See it if You like old folk songs and want to see a future star, Alison Whitehurst.
Don't see it if You want a coherent vision and a forward-moving story.
See it if You like comfort food theater in small doses. First five rows a must to stay woke. Elder Ham most likable, but just supporting filler piece!
Don't see it if Ticket cost is double digits. Boring and unmemorable show. Not good or bad, simply the definition of mediocrity. Who has the time for meh? Read more
See it if enjoy a sweet play with music about deceased people remembering the past and 2 strangers who meet and discuss their past and future.
Don't see it if you like a sophisticated play or expect a musical with original music. There are old songs, some religious in nature that accompany stories.
“The individual stories lack narrative fluidity and cohesion…Under Arment’s direction, the cast’s delivery of the outdated language sounds unnatural and stilted, at times recitative, at other times cloying and histrionic, with mugging and emoting that miss the mark for either drama or comedy…The performances as a whole are generally lacking in credible emotion. As a result, the show’s underlying didacticism seems little more than an antiquated cliché."
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