"An absolutely charming production...Elegant, beautiful, funny and engaging, the show is a wonderful example of passion and collaboration among artistic veterans and newcomers...Wu’s Ying-ying is delightfully expressive...Pang’s A-rei Chang is very appealing...The book and lyrics and the directing are flawless...The ensemble cast is small but superb...Clearly a labor of love on every level...Perfectly captures a romantic tale that is universal. Don’t miss it!"
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"Faithful to the original story, but in the form of a Broadway musical, the show is interwoven with dialogue, narrative, dance, and songs...Smooth and compact. Interspersed with humorous dialogues, lyrical singing and lighthearted lines, it captured the audience’s attention from the beginning until the end...With his affectionate singing, Pang fully delivered Chang’s passion for romance...All characters were vividly portrayed."
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