Romantic Trapezoid
Closed 1h 20m
Romantic Trapezoid

Romantic Trapezoid NYC Reviews and Tickets

(39 Ratings)
Members say
Banal, Fluffy, Entertaining, Funny, Cliched

About the Show

This world premiere comedy centers around an overachieving woman, whose life is thrown for a loop.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (39)

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132 Reviews | 46 Followers
Clever, Funny, Relevant

See it if you like romantic comedies or relationship drama.

Don't see it if you dislike strong female leads or simple, straightforward stories...there are a couple of twists in the story.

812 Reviews | 133 Followers
Clever, Thought-provoking, Entertaining

See it if you enjoy a gender role reversal where the woman wants independence and the man wants commitment. Interesting twists involved.

Don't see it if you aren't interested in relations between the sexes. Plot gets more interesting with the second scene, which I really liked.

332 Reviews | 41 Followers
Funny, Fluffy, Indulgent, Slow, Thought-provoking

See it if You want to see a light and fluffy performance about a woman who is not serious about her "main" man until...........

Don't see it if You are not interested in a play about relationships and what happens when something changes.

524 Reviews | 72 Followers
Predictable, Funny, Entertaining, Banal, Romantic

See it if you are looking for a cute little show with cute characters and an obvious plot. Acceptably entertainment but no surprises.

Don't see it if you want a play with a deep plot and well developed characters.

87 Reviews | 20 Followers
Fluffy, Loquacious, Uninspiring

See it if for lightweight verbose play on relationship commitment topic.

Don't see it if seeking intellectual or fast paced play.

120 Reviews | 12 Followers
Indulgent, Overrated

See it if Enjoy the psyche of relationships between a man who wants a woman and the woman who is too busy for him...and then comes along #2.

Don't see it if You don't like stories that are too drawn out. The last 10 minutes pulled the play together.

302 Reviews | 99 Followers
Banal, Ambitious, Slow

See it if A not so funny love "triangle". First scene was absolutely boring.

Don't see it if You want a cute, funny rom-com style play. This is not it.

97 Reviews | 15 Followers
Banal, Romantic, Indulgent

See it if You go in expecting a cheesy romantic comedy.

Don't see it if The quality of writing bothers you.

Critic Reviews (4)
November 10th, 2017

“The problem is that under Albert Bonilla's stolid and matter-of-fact direction, Elizabeth Ingham and Zack Calhoon's characters never come alive. Just trading quips is not a sophisticated style and as all of their lines are said the same way without variety, it becomes tiresome quite soon. While Donze continually surprises us as Beth, Melissa and Dave remain the same throughout. And the production design doesn't help much… Viviane Galloway's costumes are extremely conservative and colorless.”
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Theater Pizzazz
November 28th, 2017

"No doubt an interesting formula steeped in plenty of dramatic potential, but unfortunately, it never fully catches fire, handicapped by a severe absence of urgency in addressing the matter. Plagued by a series of unnecessarily long silences between each line, the conversation between Melissa and Dave is quite dull...Fortunately, in all this mangled chaos, the production manages to salvage itself (albeit barely) with the beyond brilliant casting of Joy Donze."
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Diandra Reviews it All
November 9th, 2017

"The dialogue between Dave and Melissa can struggle if not taken by the right perspective, which is why I elaborate that 'Romantic Trapezoid’s premise is rather simple and quick...Still, the play, along with their relationship, is revived by the marvelous and quirky Beth...Donze’s Beth comes with a surprising amount of depth...Moreover, the character proves Cahn’s script can smartly veer from the classic, romantic tropes it musters...All in all, the play is quick 'pick me up.'"
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Plays to See
November 8th, 2017

"The title 'Romantic Trapezoid' suggests an interesting twist on the classic triangle. It isn’t...There are also no real plot complications or reversals, one at most...We have exposition, the introduction of the other woman, and the resolution...There could be interesting characters or memorably witty dialogue along the way, but there isn’t either really...This is a competent, professional production...The performers are all certainly capable. There’s just nothing to rave about."
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