"The show is impressively done with a cast of three (with the exception of Detective Tapp, played via voiceover by Donnel Johnson). Danny Durr plays Gordon and Zepp, Adam Parbhoo plays Adam and Gordon's daughter Diana, and on opening night Gabrielle Goodman played Amanda, Ali and Jigsaw. Goodman in particular stands out with a lovely voice and excellent dance skills, but all three turn in solid performances. (Durr's wig is so good it deserves its own program credit.)"
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"This just makes fun to make fun, and for that reason it’s not very much fun at all."
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“In the true spirit of parody, this show is more funny than it is scary. It’s also a bit of a marathon for the three performers, who handle their many props and quick changes with finesse. No joke, this show is bloody hilarious!”
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