See it if You know and love your Chekhov and Mueller. Interesting, intense, partially on your feet explosion of 3 mammoths. Grand experiment.
Don't see it if It’s almost too intellectual. I studied with the Assembly and I love them, but this play asked an awful lot of its audience. My brain hurt. Read more
See it if you love a traditional Seagull or will sit through a production of one to get to a production of Hamletmachine right afterward
Don't see it if you expect a new play; or if, like me, you’re sick of Seagulls w/ their ineffectual aristocrats & dour Mashas (75% of show will disappoint) Read more
See it if Well played DYI production of Chekhov's masterwork despite puzzling use of video Fuzzy textual juxtaposing Acting uneven but not determental
Don't see it if Muller's HamletMachine not integrated into Seagull text but clumsily layered on for last 1/2 hr despite good use of performing space
See it if you like Chekov's The Seagull and Hamlet and enjoy when artists are inspired by classics and reimagine them in thoughtful, innovative ways.
Don't see it if you only like traditional productions of classics and don't enjoy interacting with actors on stage and immersive experiences. Read more
See it if you’d like to see a smart mash-up of 3 classics of dramatic literature, perpetrated by 1 of our prime theater collectives.
Don't see it if you are looking for a traditional production. Read more
"There is a lot more experimental and a lot more mess to come in this nearly three-hour-long mash-up...There is a method to the Assembly’s apparent madness. The only problem, and it’s a big one, is that the concept only leads to a ramshackle show...Unevenly acted...Among the few interesting performances are Jackson's Konstantin...and Bauer's engaging Medvedenko...Turns out, the theater of the future looks very much like the theater of the past, but with pop songs and video."
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"This is, in every sense, a play of two halves...A theatrical experience unlikely to please everyone all the time...The added value of smashing together two works is mostly apparent in the smaller details - but these are beautifully evocative moments. Even with an approach almost guaranteed to divide, more contentious elements are outshone by the general brilliance and vibrancy of the whole. It is intelligent and creative work from an energetic and innovative company."
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"This theatrical double play doesn't ever gel enough to actually work together. As much as they try to make the pieces fit the whole is never greater than the sum of its parts. 'The Seagull' portion is passable...The first half of the 'Hamletmachine' section is just bizarrely out of place and so overblown...What's truly missing is a strong enough artistic through line to connect this duo of extremely individual experiences. Shock for shock's sake never works on its own."
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