Seven in One Blow, Or the Brave Little Kid
Seven in One Blow, Or the Brave Little Kid
Closed 1h 0m NYC: West Village
84% 6 reviews
(6 Ratings)
Members say
Delightful, Great staging, Enchanting, Funny, Great singing

About the Show

An interactive holiday show for children, based on the classic fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.

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Critic Reviews (2)

New York Theater
December 5th, 2009
For a previous production

"Genuinely sweet, heart-warming, and heart-filling hour of theatre...'Seven in One Blow' never feels like medicine, not for a second. It's played out in the same eccentric, vaguely avant-garde, lightly multimedia, deeply humanist style that characterizes all of Axis's work...The show is filled with music, physical comedy, pop culture and music allusions for the grown-ups, and talking- and singing-along for the youngsters...Axis Company ensemble members play their various roles to the hilt."
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Theater Talk's New Theater Corps
December 23rd, 2009
For a previous production

"Axis has rewritten a classic Brothers Grimm tale for a modern, child-friendly audience. In doing so, however, they’ve traded satire and irony for a watered-down, happy-go-lucky version...The script’s attempt to engage a young audience with its goofy cast of characters and simplified story line...comes across as a cop out...'Seven in One Blow' isn’t the most memorable bit of children’s theater, but it does serve the purpose of a perfect holiday treat: sugary enough to be enjoyed in the moment."
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