(5 Ratings)
Members say
Funny, Quirky, Entertaining, Edgy, Dizzying

About the Show

By turns tenacious and tender, this world premiere performance at the Bushwick Starr reimagines the economies of power between friends, families, and wrestlers.

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Critic Reviews (6)

The New York Times
May 20th, 2018

“Intense performance piece...Replete with self-consciously arch dialogue, the script often brings to mind a role-playing, late-night improv session by two smart, spliff-toking college students, who are perhaps a bit too pleased with their own wit. But there’s no denying the discipline of the performance itself, and the rigorous matching of form and content throughout...Markey and Davis bring a gymnast’s vigor and precision to all their interpretations."
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Time Out New York
May 20th, 2018

“The trippy ‘Singlet’...keeps a beads-on-a-string cabaret structure, slipping from one sequence into another to increase our disorientation...Markey and...Davis perform sexually charged, absurdist scenelets that have no clear connection other than the pair’s oddball magnetism...As it wears on, the jokes become so private that they lose the first section’s pinball velocity. Fein can’t quite shape the evening’s energy, though in the best of his blocking he keeps the pair uncomfortably close.”
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New York Magazine / Vulture
May 22nd, 2018

“For Markey, pheromones are the project, and the great pleasure and power of their newest show — the mischievous, sweaty 'Singlet' — is witnessing the undeniable flow of real, layered chemistry between them and their fellow performer Emily Davis...'Singlet' walks right up to the edge of the easy and tawdry time and time again, but like a wrestler, it slips out of the hold...It’s more interested in tension than fulfillment, the unnameable sensations that pass between us and bind us."
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May 19th, 2018

“A play that is at times frustrating, hilarious, and rewarding...Wrestlers and supermodels alike obsess over their weight, but is that where their similarities end? I doubt it after seeing this show. Director Jordan Fein doesn't underline such connections in his clean and simple staging, but he doesn't really need to with two actors like Davis and Markey, who seem to conjure a whole soundstage with their expressive performances."
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Exeunt Magazine
May 25th, 2018

"It is an experience hard to categorize but, for the most part, easy to recommend...Fein’s approach can prove confusing. At least a couple gags fall flat because of vague mime work or an unclear sense of location...Yet the work’s angry energy overcomes its flaws...The fungible dynamics of 'Singlet' make it best experienced emotionally, rather than in a linear fashion. While that emotion may initially just be confusion, my feelings did shift with time."
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Village Voice
May 30th, 2018

"A rigorous inquiry into the erotics of nonromantic relationships, acted like a Meisner exercise and staged like a contact sport...Markey and Davis deliver most of their dialogue inches from each other’s mouths, as if they’re about to kiss, or fight, or both...'Singlet' coheres because of Markey’s articulate, generous writing, which poignantly refracts the experiences of being American, and female, and queer, and in love."
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