Six Characters (a family album)
Closed 1h 0m
Six Characters (a family album)
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About the Show

La MaMa and Skysaver Productions present award-winning multimedia artist and theater director Theodora Skipitares' surreal riff on Pirandello's 'Six Characters in Search of an Author.'

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Critic Reviews (7)

The New York Times
April 10th, 2016

"'Six Characters' feels like an experiment in progress, its ambitions not yet fully realized. The live music, sometimes spectral lighting and plentiful video are often striking, yet they cohere only fitfully...Still, when Pirandello’s six characters make their entrance as puppets, they are so riveting that for a moment nothing else matters...That image is perfect for Pirandello’s characters, but also fitting for this piece, which needs some further coaxing to express what it means to say."
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New York Theatre Guide
April 5th, 2016

"The success of 'Six Characters (a family album)' lies in Ms. Skipitares’s puppets and visual design. The production is staged well and utilizes many levels and unexpected spaces. Although I was not always sure how the source material and visual imagery meshed, I left the theatre contemplating the notion that the family unit is the crux of our fleeting human experience on earth. I found the puppets enchanting and reveled in not knowing what to expect next."
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Theater Pizzazz
April 15th, 2016

"Skipitares’ puppetry, Shaw’s technical design, Schellenbaum’s haunting, disembodied sound work all make for a mystery tour of haunting proportions. It’s a mesmerizing, often confusing look at characters and their interactions within and without their intended worlds that may not be for everyone, but is certainly compelling for those who like their theater to provide a means to escape traditional narrative and form."
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Front Row Center
April 5th, 2016

"It’s easy to see the director’s intention, which is to make a social statement about families. In that, it succeeds, but bringing film footage of the infamous Loud family into the play, and embodying the city of Flint and its water crisis made for too many elements, defeating my expectations. Yet, I suspect that defeating traditional theatrical expectations in favor of something larger and closer to real-life issues may have been this production’s goal. In that it succeeds."
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Stage Buddy
April 4th, 2016

"It is an interesting concept...It is unfortunate, then, that 'Six Characters' so frequently feels so very flat in its dynamic, or lack thereof. This has less to do with the scripted structure or the ideas explored therein than it does to do with vocal deliveries that sound as if the hidden mouths behind them are simply bored or uncertain...One is mesmerized enough by the puppets themselves and would rather watch them move more free from much of the distracting talk."
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Theater In The Now
April 4th, 2016

"Woefully ambitious...Finding inspiration from Pinocchio, Oedipus, 'An American Family' and the Flint water crisis, Theodora Skipitares throws all of her eggs in a single basket to create a whimsical hodgepodge that looks fascinating. But looks can be deceiving...'Six Characters' is an interesting exploration of family with lackluster execution...The performers do a fine job...While it may not offer anything new, it solidifies what we already know: the importance of family."
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New York Theatre Review
April 7th, 2016

"Thoughtful, hilarious, and disturbing in equal measur, 'Six Characters' showcases the very best elements of adult-oriented puppetry...It is a bit like the theatrical dim sum, a collection of variations on a theme instead of a single linear narrative...In its most visually striking moments, 'Six Characters' can be gloriously creepy...All of Skipitares’s design work is beautifully executed...She is also a very wise director...For a show so strong, the only problem is that there isn't more of it."
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