This experimental dramedy wades into the thickets of juvenile justice reform and asks the question: Is sixteen old enough to be an adult? Part of the 2018 Dream Up Festival.
Read more Show lessSee it if you like deep, unique theatre.
Don't see it if you want fun
See it if you enjoy a good character-study; sort-of happens here. There are LOTS of characters, each presenting their vignette, most well-performed.
Don't see it if you don't want to hear about juvenile delinquency & how the system (medical & legal) is trying to help/support (or not) these 16yr old kids. Read more
See it if You value theater re: a relevant social issue, in this case young people in our bizarre incarceration system. You work in counseling.
Don't see it if You wish a fluffy, fun comedy or musical. You dislike sampling new off, off B'Way shows of any type. Read more
See it if you want to see a staged debate about how society should treat juveniles who run afoul of the law.
Don't see it if you do not like message plays that cannot find dramatic means for expressing that message. Read more
See it if you're interested in plays about social justice and youth justice.
Don't see it if you prefer linear plays, or plays with a story rather than lots of individual character vignettes. It's a bit on the nose sometimes.
See it if You are interested in seeing a play that is passionate about a relevant social issue
Don't see it if You want to see light entertainment
See it if You are looking for an entertaining play that deals with a complex and timely suject
Don't see it if The subject matter may be triggering. Ideals with a mature issues that involve teenagers Read more
See it if You want some good depressing justice system drama.
Don't see it if Want a light night at the theatre Read more