Songs For The Fallen
Songs For The Fallen
Closed 1h 20m NYC: Midtown W
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About the Show

Part of the New York Musical Theatre Festival, this production combines elements from vaudeville, cabaret, and MTV to tell of the extraordinary life of Marie Duplessis; courtesan, party girl, liar, and legend.

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Critic Reviews (7)

Stage Buddy
July 24th, 2015

"Part vaudeville act, part rock musical, part very intimate cabaret, 'Songs' is an energetic love song to all of the artforms it pays homage to. Anchored by Harbridge’s divine performance, the show becomes sexy without being vulgar and heartbreaking without being depressing. A romp with vibrant music that recalls Portishead covering Verdi."
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Theater In The Now
July 25th, 2015

"Like John Cameron Mitchell, Sheridan Harbridge has given the world her 'Hedwig and the Angry Inch...' The music unites pop with glamor...There’s something glorious about seeing a well-polished show...'Songs for the Fallen' is an experience that needs to be had. Sheridan Harbridge needs to showcase her talents on a global level and bring this show to the masses."
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March 11th, 2013
For a previous production

"It’s hard to discern or decide whether 'Songs For The Fallen' is a drama, comedy, musical, cabaret, or something else entirely; though the last would seem to be the most apt, if inept, descriptor...Well-behaved women, it’s been said, don’t make history. That’s why Marie is so fucking famous. And, on a similar basis, Harbridge and collaborators ought to be too. 'Songs For The Fallen' doesn’t fall very far short of a tour de farce."
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Time Out Sydney
March 5th, 2013
For a previous production

"It’s a show where cabaret meets theatre and the language of pop music meets French. Though to be fair, it is the Google Translate version of French...The script could do with a good trim around the edges and some of the music misses the mark. But if there’s a more intriguing performer currently working in Sydney cabaret and theatre than Sheridan Harbridge, I certainly don’t know who it is."
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Kevin Jackson's Theatre Diary
March 13th, 2013
For a previous production

"What is remarkable about 'Songs for the Fallen' is the serious engagement and respect for the facts of Marie Plessis' history that the author, Sheridan Harbridge, has given to her principal character, for in this invention the text is a rambunctious, noisy musical explosion of the normal storytelling...It has the exhilarating impact of a densely packed experience covering a great range of performance styles and empathetic narrative: comic, musical and dramatic."
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What's On Sydney Blogspot
March 7th, 2013
For a previous production

"Utterly, utterly awesome! This was an amazing performance on so many levels - the music, the acting, the script. This show was pure entertainment from the moment it opened until the end...The play has a great rawness about it, Marie constantly talks to the audience giving the evening a very intimate feel. She tells us that she is not going to talk in a French accent all night, and gives us the moral of the tale throughout the show, my favourite one was 'don't masturbate to Radio Head.'"
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Concrete Playground
December 12th, 2012
For a previous production

"'Songs for the Fallen' is one of those excellent finds that gives you faith in human ingenuity. It is one of many artistic imaginings of the life of Marie Duplessis, the 19th-century Parisian courtesan best known as the protagonist of 'Moulin Rouge...' The team is obviously dynamite together as the result is a hilarious, self-aware piece of sophisticated debauchery."
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