Stray (The Tank)
Stray (The Tank)
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A musical meta-memoir based on creator Tanya Marquardt’s experience as a sixteen-year-old runaway and BDSM model, and a New York transplant writing about this earlier stage of her life.

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Critic Reviews (2)
July 24th, 2018

“The aimless first half has been redeemed by the more cohesive second half...Marquardt is a fine singer, has a likeable presence and a fierceness that infuses the presentation that’s based on her memoir with authenticity...A fitfully entertaining collage of songs and spoken word ruminations often accompanied by the band at varying volume...’Stray’ is patchy, spirited, marked by creative aspirations and succeeds on its own terms.”
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Theatre is Easy
July 27th, 2018

“This compelling combination of memoir and music creates a truly one-of-a-kind theatrical experience...A work of dazzling ingenuity and raw self expression that hasn’t been edited and refined and dulled...While the autobiographical pieces are compelling, they often feel fragmented and incomplete...Marquardt’s genuine passion for her art, and her admiration for the creativity of others, comes across strongly."
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