See it if You'd like to explore ideas about guns and violence in schools, and you like to see new plays.
Don't see it if You are offended by the thought that the second amendment might have anything to do with it.
See it if You don't mind that the performance may make you feel that you are observing a play that somehow skipped the editing process.
Don't see it if You can't deal with rough street language on stage. The theme of guns in schools is too upsetting to watch. You prefer fantasy to reality.
"It is uncomfortable to watch this reality unfold on stage, which makes it honest and impactful for an audience immersed in the action...Set in the round, the play effectively puts the audience right inside the room with the characters...Perhaps there are some unnecessary moments or words, but overall it is well written and well played...Each character has an arc and the actors are skilled at presenting every thought – even the thoughts the characters don’t say."
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