See it if You want to learn about the dark side of Hollywood
Don't see it if You don't like one man shows, looking for amazing singing/dancing
See it if you enjoy one-person show about the history of Hollywood
Don't see it if You expect a more stimulating exploration of this topic Read more
See it if Goes thru Hollywood dreams and falls, the pain of not making a star on Hollywood Blvd, with some true facts
Don't see it if It's slow at points, and not a happy play.
See it if You want to see a different show about Old Hollywood, like period pieces and/or one-person shows.
Don't see it if You're deeply rooted in today or have no interest in hearing a wonderfully told story about someone trying to be star. Read more
See it if You enjoy one actor shows with music
Don't see it if Darker content
See it if You are interested in emerging work
Don't see it if You only want to see polished shows Read more
See it if you are a fan of the Golden Age of Hollywood and enjoy songs from that era, adequately performed.
Don't see it if you don't enjoy plays with music or are looking for a serious drama.
See it if you like great singing of the throwback days.
Don't see it if want great staging or absorbing storyline.
“A heartbreaking look at the human cost of America's dream factory...In her performance, Hartstone disturbingly showcases the power art can wield not just over our psyches, but our physical beings...Although presented in an old-fashioned package, ‘The Girl Who Jumped Off the Hollywood Sign’ is a timely call for responsibility on the part of our self-styled dream merchants when they still have a long way to go.”
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“Hartstone has such a fine ear that she skillfully mimics not only the vocal contralto of one of her heroes--Judy Garland--but captures the speech of the era...Evie's tales about mistreated Hollywood actresses are deeply resonant...'The Girl who jumped off the Hollywood sign’ would be impressive if written by someone other than its star. But Hartstone's writing is as powerful and nuanced as her performance...The one-woman show nicely directed by Fusco was captivating from start to finish."
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“The story of the tragic, would-be starlet is an old, old one, and, after a while, one begins to wonder if there is any point in this exercise in masochism…Hartstone makes Evie pitiable, but she can't quite make her interesting. Fusco's direction maintains a nice pace and, to the extent possible, keeps the brakes on Hartstone's full-throated penchant for emoting…It's hard to recommend this to anyone looking for an incisive, gripping drama.”
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“Employing a blend of fact and fiction, song and story, Ms. Hartstone transports us into a past that is nearly as unsettling as the present...Evie comes across as a powerful chronicler of the era, but not as a heroine that we are particularly rooting for...Additionally, Evie’s suicidal tendencies feel less than fully earned...Still, Ms. Hartstone’s gutsy and gusto-y performance mostly compensates for the script’s flaws.”
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“Hartstone brings sincerity and sweetness to her portrayal…However, the chirpy, high-pitched Midwestern twang she affects…is not particularly enthralling. And…if Evie had Hartstone's pitchy singing voice, Hollywood wouldn't have made a major blunder in ignoring her…'The Girl'…seems more intent on reminiscing about Hollywood in the 1940s…than on developing a three-dimensional character we can believe might not only have lived through it but found it necessary to consider jumping.”
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"Hartstone’s writing is concise and vividly descriptive, packed with images that evoke the bustling atmosphere of golden age Hollywood. Her well-researched script is populated with entertaining archetypes...Plotwise, though, some of the show’s potential goes untapped...Harstone needs a bit more guidance from director Vince Fusco...despite these missteps, Hartstone’s warmth and charisma shines through and she is clearly a talent to watch."
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"A one of a kind show...Joanne totally embodies the character of Evelyn, and her American accent is relaxed and flawless as we are let into Evelyn's life through her many façades. Throughout the show Hartstone plays a number of different characters who she switches seamlessly from with ease...Hartstone has the ability to milk every line in this well-written show. Her connection with the audience is instantaneous and from start to finish, both actor and audience member are one."
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"Hartstone, who also plays Evie, punctuates her story with familiar songs of the period that loosely parallel an otherwise straightforward narrative. Hartstone has a nasal contralto is deeply reminiscent of the period and invests plenty of drama into each number. It’s an engaging performance delivered with sensitivity but Hartstone treads a very familiar path here. Entwhistle is borrowed as a metaphor in Evie’s story whereas she’d probably have been much more valuable as the subject."
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