The Last Class: A Jazzercise Play
The Last Class: A Jazzercise Play
Closed 1h 15m NYC: Midtown W
100% 2 reviews
(2 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Original, Intelligent, Great writing, Thanks to my show-score friends

About the Show

DODO presents an exploration of what happens when you’ve invested your time, money, and life into a dying franchise that needs resuscitation.

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Critic Reviews (6)

The New York Times
February 23rd, 2016

"Talking while exercising demands great breath control, and being heard and understood over loud music requires better sound balance than what this production achieves. Too many lines in Ms. Hill’s very funny script don’t make their way past these obstacles...For an impressively kinetic show, there is surprisingly little energy in the room."
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Theatre is Easy
February 22nd, 2016

"With Hill's insanely clever writing and their genius comedic timing, 'The Last Class: A Jazzercize Play' is a production that should run for years to come...Hill and Staats possess the difficult ability to simultaneously have the timing of the show totally prepared in every single moment and at the same time give off the appearance of a completely improvised and believable real-life situation...The humor in this show is out of this world; laughing as hard as I did gave me quite a workout."
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Theater Pizzazz
February 25th, 2016

"It’s Hill’s magnetism and her ability to express her character’s complex feelings that successfully drive the play...It’s a tribute to the writing of the play as well as to the honest performances of its co-stars that 'The Last Class' holds the audience’s attention throughout, right up to its denouement."
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Front Row Center
February 29th, 2016

"Over the course the play Kelsea laments her life and choices and loneliness while MJ does her best to keep the room together with positive thinking...Really you have to see it to believe it. Director Margot Bordelon and choreographer Sarita Lou have created dance/movement along with Hill’s funny, fast-paced dialogue that together are like watching a fine-tuned machine with intricate gears and pulleys...Amy Staats and Megan Hill are a terrific comic duo."
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Fuck Yeah Great Plays
March 2nd, 2016

"Though the premise sounds like goofy fun, and it is, there’s real heart to this show...It’s a bigger issue than what’s going on at the Community Center, and it’s easy to get caught up in the sweaty, wild-eyed determination of our heroes...If you can get over your fear of working out in front of strangers, being there when Kelsea turns the studio lights off for the last time is actually quite touching. And they’ll give you Gatorade to recover."
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New York Theatre Review
February 23rd, 2016

"'The Last Class' is as funny as you expect. The coworker-friendship dynamic of Kelsey and MJ is a poignant example of a relationship where both parties don't realize how much they mean to one another - and then they do...Jazzercize is the vehicle for this reflection and self-discovery, much to my delight. But Kelsey's complicated feelings of befuddlement, betrayal, and displacement are recognizable to anyone who has experienced an identity-altering life change."
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