The Three Musketeers
The Three Musketeers
Closed 1h 30m NYC: Harlem
82% 19 reviews
(19 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Delightful, Great staging, Funny, Ambitious

About the Show

The Classical Theater of Harlem presents a new take on Alexandre Dumas' chivalrous swashbucklers in a free, outdoor production.

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Critic Reviews (5)

The New York Times
July 14th, 2017

"Bennett’s staging squarely emphasizes the book’s more extroverted and humorous side: The biff-bang-pow production is to the novel as Adam West’s Batman was to the grim Dark Knight...A playful show that also drops a couple of raps and features a fancifully dramatic score...Because the show puts all its chips on comic action, it misses the book’s more adult sentiments...Still, Bennett’s production moves cartoon-fast and hits all the essential plot points."
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Time Out New York
July 10th, 2017

"Although this family-friendly show has many strong elements—sumptuous costumes, lively fight sequences, an adventuresome cast—its attempt to fuse comedy with action-adventure doesn’t always fly. Catherine Bush’s streamlined script is sober and straightforward, but director Jenny Bennett has thrown in anachronistic jokes and gags, some of which work better than others...Still, it’s a worthy effort with many exhilarating moments, especially when Miriam Hyman is onstage."
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Stage Buddy
July 17th, 2017

"Bush's adaptation seems to grasp that the true greatness of this timeless tale lies in its combination of lightheartedness and gravity...This newest production of 'The Three Musketeers' stays refreshingly true to Dumas' story without sacrificing dramatic integrity...The other cast members all give fine performances, but it's Hyman's furious strength and Van de Wiel's elegant wickedness that make this production truly delightful...A clever script, good actors, and a flamboyant staging."
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July 12th, 2017

"The battles bring the plight of the Musketeers to life, leaving the audience breathless...The use of modern language as well as the vernacular made the show even more accessible to the audience, heightening the enjoyment factor immensely...Taking a classic story such as this and making it feel relevant is no easy task, and everyone involved deserves credit for creating such engaging storytelling. With this well-rounded and talented cast, 'The Three Musketeers' should not be missed."
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Plays to See
July 12th, 2017

"The best modernization is D’Artagnan herself, played with charming moxie by Hyman...The dynamics twist in the best possible ways, adding entirely new angles to the story...There is beauty in every element of this production. Bennett’s direction is heightened by the carefully choreographed scenes of dancing, fighting, and plotting...Though a little rough around the edges, the production practically shimmers with a magic that permeates the park...A wild and thoroughly entertaining ride."
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