"A tightly directed and acted absurdist comedy on the disappointing nature of life...'Tom & Eliza' is a surreal snapshot of a quintessentially flawed relationship. Delicately directed by Knud Adams, all of Song’s bleak humor and rapid dialogue converges into an engrossing and intimate experience...The only real shortcoming of the script, regrettably, is that it is not very original...Still, Song is after something uniquely her own as she tackles this popular format."
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"In Celine Song's sensational 'Tom & Eliza,' the journey from first date to the bitter end is chronicled in rapid-fire succession...Eliza Bent and Daniel Kublick dazzled as the titular pair...'Tom & Eliza' is bound to make you laugh, gasp, cry, and ponder your own life and relationships. You’ll be enamored with Celine Song’s play from lights up until black out."
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"Directed and designed with a tight focus by Knud Adams...Adams pulls the production into [playwright] Song's rhythm, speeding forward until it doesn't, leaving the theater with an emotionally devastating ending...Song embraces the complexities of choosing to spend your life with a person...It's a wildly funny and moving play, aided by a great creative team. It shines as bright as the tinfoil-filled walls of JACK and is a potent work from a talented playwright."
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