This world premiere musical tells the story of a group of minorities (turkeys) fighting against oppression and brutality from humans. Part of Theater for the New City's Dream Up Festival.
From the show:
This show centers on Turk, a young turkey who feels as though his towns local government has been plagued with greed, corruption and other scandals. While searching for answers Turk, with the help of his friends, uncovers the dirty truth behind their town's political figures and fights to save the place from oppression and brutality. It is up to the flock to save the town from corruption, fight for their species from oppression and brutality and to finally receive acceptance for who they are. Social issues such as the Black Lives Matter movement, the treatment of indigenous people, police brutality and political corruption are viewed from the perspective of turkeys, providing a clear-eyed satirical look at the social climate of today. Music ranges in style from classic musical theater hits to Hip Hop to 60s Doo-Wop to Tango and more.