"Wry and artful...Under Brackett’s spirited and astute direction, McGraw more fully develops her relationships...There is one major misstep in the play, a series of monologues from a callow editorial assistant...These precious homilies stall the action...Elsewhere there’s a tendency to punch up lines past the point of realistic, but as many of those lines are awfully good, it’s forgivable. And McGraw is at her best when she channels her impulse toward absurdism into small, sly flourishes."
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"McGraw gives us plenty of material to chew on, but it's difficult to pinpoint how all these characters and ideas jell into a cohesive thesis. There are lots of questions, mercifully few attempts at answers, and a few head-scratching moments when you wonder how this all relates to something titled 'Ultimate Beauty Bible.' Still, even if slightly mismatched, the play is both written and performed vividly enough to compel a deep investment in every clashing color."
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