Generation NYZ
Closed 1h 10m
Generation NYZ

Generation NYZ NYC Reviews and Tickets

(40 Ratings)
Members say
Relevant, Absorbing, Thought-provoking, Intelligent, Resonant

About the Show

In Ping Chong + Company's piece, young cast members illuminate the challenges and joys of growing up in NYC, and all that goes into making our city inclusive, gritty, determined, creative and rich with community.

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Show-Score Member Reviews (40)

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247 Reviews | 61 Followers
Absorbing, Relevant, Thought-provoking, Intelligent, Resonant

See it if you are interested in some of today's NYC youth: all 7 have experienced times of not belonging and now courageously tell their stories.

Don't see it if today's problems are of no interest to you or you don't want to spend your free time thinking about them. Read more

683 Reviews | 161 Followers
Relevant, Resonant, Riveting, Intelligent, Thought-provoking

See it if you would like to hear firsthand from a wide range of young New Yorkers what their lives are like.

Don't see it if you only want to see a play: these young performers have dramatic stories, but traditional drama is not the form they use to tell them. Read more

545 Reviews | 81 Followers
Intelligent, Must see, Profound, Relevant, Riveting

See it if you want an extremely moving experience from 7 young people who have experienced the immigrant dilemma of today. WOW! Powerful!

Don't see it if you are looking for a linear play.This is a reading by those who experienced what you are hearing. Just give in and see it.

73 Reviews | 16 Followers
Absorbing, Delightful, Must see, Profound, Relevant

See it if you like to connect with or learn from the personal stories of others.

Don't see it if you need a lot of movement and variety to hold your interest. Read more

444 Reviews | 89 Followers
Absorbing, Clever, Refreshing, Riveting, Relevant

See it if A creative look at the diversity of today’s youth. A captivating experience for both the actors and audience. This show has legs!

Don't see it if If you expect to see a traditional linear story or if you perfer musicals .

51 Reviews | 9 Followers
Thought-provoking, Absorbing, Relevant, Intelligent

See it if You'd appreciate a really heartwarming performance.

Don't see it if You don't appreciate the wonderful mosaic that comprises NYC.

87 Reviews | 10 Followers
Intelligent, Resonant, Relevant

See it if You are interested in the problems and perspectives of immigrant youth in the city

Don't see it if Reading from scripts, plays that are basically just broken up monologues, although they are monologues by a number of people, annoy you Read more

60 Reviews | 11 Followers
Absorbing, Great writing, Relevant, Resonant

See it if You like honest stories told by the people who lived them. The 7 actors are all brave and thought-provoking.

Don't see it if You need multiple stimuli at the same time. If Wicked is your type of show, "Generation NYZ" might not be.

Critic Reviews (3)

New York Theater
January 29th, 2019

"To the seven young performers who tell the stories of their lives in 'Generation NYZ,' New York means subways and pizza and opportunity, but also cops and catcalling and homelessness...They tell, in other words, the story of New York, and of America...As they tell us about growing up, their lives deepen and differentiate. The normal struggles are filtered through their specific circumstances. Their challenges can include overcoming poverty and bigotry and violence."
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The New York Times
January 15th, 2018
For a previous production

"Generating empathy, defying small-mindedness, this is an inherently political show that arrives at a time of fervently uncivil discourse...Some of the performers have stage experience, but they are playing themselves, and all are unvarnished enough that their charm comes from their everydayness...Skates right up to the line where eat-your-spinach theater begins. This expertly constructed show manages never to cross that divide."
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Village Voice
January 20th, 2018
For a previous production

"Would make you think more sharply about the actual effects of the Orange Narcissist’s prejudices — and the actual people on whom those effects are visited...Zatz and Traber have cunningly structured the piece to be both formally organized and easy-going — just kids on the first day at a new school, going around the room....It holds the enchantment that hearing about any individual’s life can hold. By the end, I loved and admired them all."
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