(5 Ratings)
Members say
Wonderful, Enchanting, Delightful, Clever, Profound

About the Show

Following its sold-out run in 2011, New Victory is bringing back Scotland's Catherine Wheels Theatre Company and their kid-friendly tale about two buddies who battle to keep the world color-free.

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Critic Reviews (7)

The New York Times
October 20th, 2011
For a previous production

"It is as gossamerlike and insubstantial as some of the fluffy materials in the set, qualities that mostly charm but sometimes detract...But enough grown-up grousing. You may know that color will triumph, but you don’t know how, and that’s where 'White' proves thrilling. Ingeniously designed, the production abounds in visual surprises."
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The Public Reviews
June 8th, 2010
For a previous production

"Gill Robertson’s direction is sharp and strong, with real moments of tension, excitement and wonder which constantly leave the audience wondering what surprise is coming up next...'White' is what theatre is all about, striking performances, enchanting set, and above all true, moving and powerful storytelling. I urge every theatre going visitor to get along and see what could possibly be one of the most touching pieces of theatre this year."
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Irish Times
September 30th, 2012
For a previous production

"'White' is as playful and as serious as one of Beckett’s terse mime plays. In Gill Robertson’s superb production, the clowning makes clever, subtle use of the actor’s opposing physicalities...'White' holds an important moral message about difference for an audience of two- to four-year-olds."
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October 18th, 2011
For a previous production

"My children were mesmerized by the sweet music, floating feathers, twinkling lights and quirky set...'White' is recommended for children ages 2-5 and I think parents should stick to that, if possible...At 40 minutes, it's a great choice for first-time theatergoers."
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Stuff.co (NZ)
August 3rd, 2012
For a previous production

"With a minimal amount of dialogue, but a huge amount of imagery and with a very evocative soundscape and creative lighting and lots of illusion, the actors and their production team create a world of sheer magic and enchantment. This is a visual tale that is exquisitely told and anyone aged from 1 to 100 will be enthralled."
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August 6th, 2010
For a previous production

"'White' is an enchanting play for very young children, between the ages of two and four...The highly imaginative and tented set is a delight. The differing textures of everyday objects, and the use of brightly coloured lights, are cleverly integrated to provide lots of visual stimulus and bring smiles to the faces of children and adults alike."
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Piccadilly Arts
November 7th, 2011
For a previous production

"'White' was pure magic. It was so beautifully constructed - the story, the plot (the moments of suspense!), the characters, and the theme. It amazes me how theatre for young children can take a simple idea and turn it into this terrific sensory experience...This is a small child's first theater experience."
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