The Sensuality Party
Closed 1h 35m
The Sensuality Party
(6 Ratings)
Members say
Raunchy, Great acting, Indulgent, Intense, Absorbing

About the Show

The New Group presents 'The Sensuality Party,' a new play about a group of college students whose lives are changed by a night of sexual experimentation.

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Critic Reviews (5)

New York Post
May 7th, 2016

"The best part about the New Group’s 'The Sensuality Party' is that you don’t know who the actors are—they’re embedded in the audience and reveal themselves as the show goes on. That element of surprise is the most interesting thing about this overlong, self-satisfied show about campus sexuality and power games...The play’s narcissistic, shallow youths recall the ’80s novel 'Less Than Zero,' but the show falls far short of its predecessor."
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Talkin' Broadway
April 27th, 2016

"'The Sensuality Party' might have sufficed as a kind of young-adult 'Rashomon' with a high-verisimilitude gimmick…September 11 factors prominently in the story...But because the connections are so tenuous and unconvincing, Kuritzkes doesn't deepen the sex so much as cheapen the tragedy. And that gives 'The Sensuality Party' an icky, exploitative feel that no graphical description of the group's myriad sex acts manages."
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Theater Pizzazz
April 29th, 2016

"Director Danya Taymor fearlessly leads the troop of very gifted, wildly committed, and emotionally honest actors through an investigation of the blurred lines of sexual pleasure and sexual violence. Bravo to New Group/New Works' play development program for plucking a storyteller and visionary such as Justin Kuritzkes, and presenting his concept in such an apropos manner."
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Theatre Reviews Limited
May 16th, 2016

“Mr. Kuritzkes’ script comes off as bad porn, neither relevant, groundbreaking, nor sensual...What the performance I attended accomplished was to thoroughly disengage theatergoers from the material...An uncomfortable forced laughter could be intermittently heard as the audience nervously tried to retrieve some kind of humor from the pretentious script...Simply put this play is 95 minutes too long.”
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Blog Critics
April 27th, 2016

"A smartly written, well-acted piece of meta-theater…By the end the script has artfully used a variety of narrative techniques to give us six characters with all their contradictions, guilts, terrors, and in-and-out friendships…With a high dose of humor and a fittingly ironical ending, 'The Sensuality Party' is a disturbing, fascinating, weirdly funny dive into the psyche of a generation as seen through one very talented writer’s novelistically observant eye."
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