"This brief, haunting piece has the quality of a fine short story, populated with characters who leave a powerfully lingering impression...After a few minutes, it's easy to forget one isn't watching a film with living actors. This is, in part, due to Peña's script, which sketches in the three members of a troubled family unit with precision, rendering their sorrows engagingly and leaving room for a hint of mystery about them."
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"Camera work is excellent...Direction (Ralph B. Peña’s) is nuanced, especially in light of a wooden cast who don’t bend much and can’t close their eyes. The most articulated puppet is curmudgeonly Lucky who moves surprisingly like a dog and even pees."
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"It’s compelling and utterly thoughtful, creating symbolic vistas and metaphoric scenarios that are well executed, intense, and complex...It truly is a work of precision, craftsmanship, and art, finding a way gingerly across a difficult terrain...A number of threads are meticulously unspooled, almost too many for a 30-minute show to entangle and explore."
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